Recipe A Roman Cabbage Repast from Antiquity

Mountain Cat

12 Apr 2019
Local time
3:45 AM
Hilltowns of Massachusetts
Contains: Seafood, alcohol. Is: Quick and easy, Paleo.


It’s a recipe from “Tasting History with Max Miller”, an excellent YouTube channel that cropped up in March 2020, and took off because Max Miller had a lot of free time on his hands, being furloughed from his day job due to a certain virus. Long-term I’ve been interested in old, as in very old, recipes – I also follow “Townsends”, a channel largely focusing on colonial era food in eastern North America – although Jon Townsend also discusses non-food related 18th century life. And brings in British and continental sources of recipes that probably also made their way over to the US.

The link to the video itself.

Miller’s recipe was adapted from the Roman, Apicius’s “De Re Coquinaria”.

The cabbage that the original recipe used was a leafy one, not a head-y one. Cabbage (Brassica oleracea) was well-valued by the Romans, who generally seemed to sing its praises a lot, both for flavor and medicinally. In his variation of the old Roman recipe, Max Miller went with baby bok choy – which is indeed a Brassica plant but is rather Brassica rapa. Pick a leafy Brassica – broccoli or cabbage just aren’t going to work, nor would Brussels sprouts. He used the bok choy because it was to hand. Likewise, here.

Garum – for the sake of simplicity, simply use Thai or Vietnamese fish sauce, Red Boat being a reliable brand. (If you can’t eat seafood, a bit of tamari would be fine.) Miller does have an early video (from which I first discovered this channel) explaining how to make garam yourself. Haven’t done so yet, but I enjoyed watching….)

Most recipes from antiquity don’t deign to discuss quantities. Miller came up with workable suggestions, but leaves the garnish amounts up to the viewer/reader. This will be YOUR recipe, modify and make it happy at your home!

Prep Time: 5-10 minutes.
Cook Time: Less than 10 minutes.
Rest Time: Not necessary.
Serves: 2-4, depending on what else will be served.
Cuisine: Ancient Roman.
Leftovers: Sure.

A Roman Cabbage Repast


  • 2 pounds / of your choice of a leafy Brassica. Remove stem. Separate leaves. Clean as necessary. If really large leaves, cut or break them to more manageable sizes.
  • 1.5 tablespoons fish sauce (garum if you can source it, or wish to make it yourself), but if not, use a Thai or Vietnamese fish sauce).
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1/4 cup / 60 mL white wine (not too dry).
  • Freshly ground pepper, to taste.
  • 1 thin leek, chopped. Use the white/light green parts. It is probably best to use small-diameter leeks, and chop finely. One thin one should suffice, or a portion of a larger one. Sub with shallot if needed.
  • Caraway seeds, to taste.
  • Cilantro aka coriander leaves, to taste.

Bring a pot of water to a boil, and add the cabbage. Blanch for about 90 seconds. Remove, drain, and set the cabbage to the side into a serving bowl.

In a pot, add all the liquids together along with the cumin. Whisk, and set over heat to cook at a simmer. Do this for a few minutes to blend all this together, and to drive off the alcohol..

Then, remove, and pour over the cooked cabbage.

Top with the ground pepper, leeks, caraway seeds and cilantro. Serve and enjoy. And, perhaps, enjoy whatever medicinal benefits Brassica can endow.
What and interesting meal. By just blanching it, it preserves more of the nutritive richness. It sounds as if it would be perfect for summer days, for the short cooking time. I would imagine fish and fruit woul go very well along, what would you say? Basically there is no limitation as to what to be served with, what did you eat it along with? Oh and for those who eat dairy, cheeses would be delicious along, and tofu for those who can't...Thank you for posting!
What and interesting meal. By just blanching it, it preserves more of the nutritive richness. It sounds as if it would be perfect for summer days, for the short cooking time. I would imagine fish and fruit woul go very well along, what would you say? Basically there is no limitation as to what to be served with, what did you eat it along with? Oh and for those who eat dairy, cheeses would be delicious along, and tofu for those who can't...Thank you for posting!

TBH, I had this alone for a lunch, which sometimes is a less hearty meal for me. I think it would be great as a side for either a meat or a tofu/tempeh dish.
I love historical recipes, even if I they don't sound tasty to me. I just like knowing what people cooked and ate once upon a time.

Totally agree, and I plan to make more dishes from antiquity or somewhere in our pasts. Simply fascinated by how people have eaten over the ages.

I am such a sucker for dishware!
This is one of my favorite websites.
Mountain Cat do you have the 7 inch vegetable bowl? Is that the dish that you use to serve up?
DH just broke one of my serving bowls, so I guess I need to replace it :giggle:
Yes, that was the 7 inch one. I have two of the bowls left. A lot of set has had problems over time, so hardly a complete set of this china remains. Alas. (It was a set I inherited from my mother, who got it from one of her relatives.)

PS. I will have fun looking at that site!
Yes, that was the 7 inch one. I have two of the bowls left. A lot of set has had problems over time, so hardly a complete set of this china remains. Alas. (It was a set I inherited from my mother, who got it from one of her relatives.)

PS. I will have fun looking at that site!
I'm ordering it tomorrow!!!
I'm ordering it tomorrow!!!
BTW, if there are other parts of that china pattern you want, I may be able to send them to you - Not the two bowls (my current china has much smaller bowls, so I need to keep these) nor the two serving platters, but I do have the tea cups that go with it, and probably some of the saucers for under the tea cups. And some of the dinner plates. Let me know and I will let you know what's here. I likely won't be able to get back to you on this until next week. No fee except postage.
BTW, if there are other parts of that china pattern you want, I may be able to send them to you - Not the two bowls (my current china has much smaller bowls, so I need to keep these) nor the two serving platters, but I do have the tea cups that go with it, and probably some of the saucers for under the tea cups. And some of the dinner plates. Let me know and I will let you know what's here. I likely won't be able to get back to you on this until next week. No fee except postage.
I appreciate you're very generous offer Mountain Cat.
I was just telling DH about this and he said, NO MORE DISHES!!! :laugh:
I thank you very much, but no thank you.
SSSHHHHH 🤫 don't tell him that I already ordered the bowl 😉
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