a weird twist


Active Member
28 Jan 2023
Local time
3:48 AM
as i had posted on dec 23 i came home from the hospital having been in agony with my back and leg , well a couple of days later i went back to the ER ( different hospital ) becase i was feeling like i had been run ove by a truck, i thought they would give me a shot to make me feel better , wellllllllll they took some blood and came back and told me that i had had a heart attack !!!and that my heart was now only beating 39 times a minute , so now all hell is breaking loose as i now have to go to a bunch of Drs and tests so how has your week been ?
the ER doc thinks i had the heart attack while i was in the hospital with my leg but i was so sedatied on pain killers that i didn't feel it and no one at the hospital caught it . this was my 2nd heart attack the 1st one was 4 1/2 years ago and hurt like hell , so at least i didn't feel this one
That’s awful - please keep us posted on how you’re doing. When’s your next appointment with the doc(s)?
cardiologist tuesday morning,
have to go be hooked up to a heart monitor thursaday.
waiting for the call to schedule the stress test and a echo cardiogram,
have another appointment with another cardiologist on the 8th
the holiday kinda has everyones schedule screwed up
i hope everyone else's week ahead will be more fun than mine is going to be
Hey, that's horrible news from 23rd! Hope you get better really soon but also hope you do due diligence with your medical teams and get the problem sorted out. Take care!
Hope things improve for you. Has your heart rate come up again yet?

My mother ended up in hospital on bed rest not even allowed to walk to the bathroom with a resting heart rate down in the 30's. She ended up needing an emergency pacemaker fitting. She better than she was now, but her heart is only working 30% of the time.
went to the heart dr. today he wanted the heart monitor on NOW not thurday so he put it on while i was there . he also said that one of my heart meds "might" be causing the slow heart rate but wanted me to keep taking it for the next 14 days while wearing the heart monitor then maybe he will change to a different med, he also put in an urgent order for the stress test and ech cardiogram so i should be taking those soon
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