Accessing the flavour of Nigella seeds


Senior Member
17 Jan 2021
Local time
4:01 AM
I have these recipes and would like to try them with Nigella seeds. When I experiment with my morning porridge with water I get no flavour.
Should they be ground?
Should they be roasted dry or fried in oil? If so, for how long and at what temperature?
I've seen recipes saying to toast them, but how would I get them into a toaster?
When should they added?
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I certainly wouldn't grind them.
When I use them in Aloo Bazaari, I dry fry them or fry them in ghee. When I use them in breads I just add them as they are and the baking process brings out the flavour.
Have to say I've never tried them in porridge because that's something I never make.
I dry roasted for 10 minutes at 180c. No flavour. I tried 250 and they burnt. What am I doing wrong?
Maybe your seeds are old and stale. Just because you might have recently purchased them doesn't mean they weren't sitting on a shelf somewhere for a long time.

I use a skillet on the stove over medium heat, stirring or tossing frequently when toasting spices and do so only long enough to smell them, which means you don't walk away.
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I couldn't smell anything which is why I left them so long. Also, I couldn't hear them popping.
Having said that, I left mine in the oven, so did no stirring or tossing.
Perhaps they were stale.
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