Adding Tags


Legendary Member
15 Oct 2012
Local time
8:25 PM
Tags are limited to two per person, on any given thread. How are some adding three?
Apologies, I have been away or more accurately am still away.

I requested a change in the number of tags a person can add to any single thread. It is now 4 per person and 7 in total by all members per thread. (At least I think it is. I will double check.)
Apologies, I have been away or more accurately am still away.

I requested a change in the number of tags a person can add to any single thread. It is now 4 per person and 7 in total by all members per thread. (At least I think it is. I will double check.)
I got stopped at two. Had to remove the system generated "auto tag".
That had been noticed, different results depending on which thread you start with.
And why do I get 17 listings if I click on the cookingbites competition tag (@welsh dragon 's Recipe Carrot souffle is not listed) - yet when I click on the same tag in @welsh dragon's recipe I only get her recipe listed? :scratchhead::wacky:
You get a different result because @welsh dragon typed the tag in rather than selecting it and misspelt it when she did.. Her tag is 'coking bites....' not 'cookingbites....' :whistling:

Ahhh hello! I'm new here and a little stupid at the best of times. How exactly do you add tags to a new recipe thread? I see no button or obvious drop down...:headshake:
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