Recipe Almost instant home-made mayonnaise

Morning Glory

Obsessive cook
Staff member
19 Apr 2015
Local time
4:26 PM
Maidstone, Kent, UK
I’ve been making mayonnaise for many years using the classic method of gradually adding oil to egg yolks to form an emulsion. Then I saw an French chef on a TV show using a different method. He made an apology to fellow chefs for deviating from the classic method but said that he actually preferred the slightly lighter result achieved by using this simpler and much faster method. It was something of a revelation to me and I was a little sceptical but it worked like magic!

For this method, its essential that you use an immersion blender (stick blender) and a jug or beaker a little wider in diameter than the head of the blender.


1 whole egg
1 tsp Dijon mustard
230-240 ml vegetable oil
Vinegar or lemon juice to taste (optional)

  1. Crack the egg into the base of the beaker or jug. Add the mustard. Pour oil on top and allow to settle.
  2. Place the head of the immersion blender into the beaker or jug and turn it on to high speed
  3. As the mixture begins to emulsify (thicken) slowly tilt and lift the head until all the oil is incorporated. This takes a few seconds.
  4. Add vinegar or lemon juice to taste.
Thank you for the recipe.
Did you crack your measuring cup?
Thank you for the recipe.
Did you crack your measuring cup?

That looks like manufacturing line, like a seam. If you look on the handle side of the cup, you can just barely see that same line continuing up that side.

That’s the only way I’ve ever made mayonnaise at home, using my stick blender. It really does take just seconds.
That’s the only way I’ve ever made mayonnaise at home, using my stick blender. It really does take just seconds.

Aha - maybe its just me that has used the classic method for years! Do you use a whole egg? Apparently it doesn't work with a yolk on its own as used in the classic method.
I thought you occasionally ate eggs? You can't get them any fresher than you get them, and you know the chickens were raised humanely... actually pampered, more than likely. :laugh:

I do, but that wasn't the point of what I was doing at the time. And MG had been asking about the soy milk and how that emulsified with the oil etc.

And yep, they're spoilt rotten but if you could hear then complaining right now, you'd not know it! One of them has been complaining non-stop for the last 4 hours hardly even stopping to breath. No idea why and can't find any issues, she's just having a really GIGANTIC whinge.
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