Alternative ice cream


Legendary Member
12 Mar 2016
Local time
6:29 AM
Shropshire, UK
First experimentation with the ice cream maker my wife bought for me recently. I wanted to try something different, and a bit healthier than regular ice cream, so I started playing around with unsweetened almond milk, approximate quantities:

400ml unsweetened almond milk
1 tbsp carob syrup
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Left to churn in the ice cream maker for 30-40 mins. We were really please with the result - texture more like a gelato than ice cream, but the taste was pure Mars bar, but not quite so sweet. Next up is going to be a bitter lemon version.

I'm surprised at this. I've tried making ice-cream with unsweetened almond milk and it wasn't good. Very crystallised if I remember rightly. Do you need to freeze it or does the machine chill it?
I'm surprised at this. I've tried making ice-cream with unsweetened almond milk and it wasn't good. Very crystallised if I remember rightly. Do you need to freeze it or does the machine chill it?
The machine does it, but it's now in the freezer. It certainly wasn't crystallised when it came out of the machine, but I've yet to try it since its been in the freezer.
Last summer I made Ice cream several times with erythritol. I used whole milk and half and half so i was going for sugar free, not fat free. It was surprisingly delicious. I used fresh berries and lemon flavoring. I will probably be doing some this year too. I can't tell the difference between the erythritol and sugar.
wanted to try something different, and a bit healthier than regular ice cream, so I started playing around
Great combination! Have you tried some others since?
I see it is an old thread, but regardless.
Carob is an understated ingredient, probably.
Just researched a bit, almost a wonder plant.
Looking forward to exploring alternative ice creams this summer! In about two months time here...
How was it after it's been in the freezer for a couple hours? Did the carob syrup act as a stabilizer? Ice cream always comes out of the churn machine with great texture. The freezer is the real test.
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