Any ideas what to do with curly parsley?


Senior Member
4 Feb 2019
Local time
12:50 AM
I ordered flat leaf parsley but got sent cutley instead. I really don't like it as I find it tougher and more woody. I don't want to waste it though so looking for ideas to use it. Thinking to blend it with some olive oil to use for marinades?
If you've got quite a bit of it there are a number of soups that use parsley.

Quick search on Google gives potato and parsley, carrot and parsley, parsley and orzo with walnuts or just plain parsley soup.
We have about three types here, Italian flat leaf, normal (what I grew up with) and another. I use all three as and when they are ready. I use a lot in sausage rolls, rissoles and croquettes.

The great thing about curly parsly is that it keeps really well. I actually prefer it to flat leaf. It needs chopping finely if you use it raw as a garnish but as aforementioned it can be used to make soups especially when combined with other ingredients. You could also make a pesto with it. If you feel ambitious you could make parsley oil. Recipe - Parsley Oil
You can use them for decorating dishes.
Curly parsley is a great decorative garnish for soups, salads, and entrees. It has a mild flavor that pairs well with most dishes, and its bright green color makes food look more appealing.

Simply snip off the curly leaves of the parsley plant with scissors, and sprinkle them on top of your dish just before serving. You can also tie a sprig of parsley together with a piece of kitchen twine to make it look fancier. Enjoy!
You can use them for decorating dishes.
Curly parsley is a great decorative garnish for soups, salads, and entrees. It has a mild flavor that pairs well with most dishes, and its bright green color makes food look more appealing.

Simply snip off the curly leaves of the parsley plant with scissors, and sprinkle them on top of your dish just before serving. You can also tie a sprig of parsley together with a piece of kitchen twine to make it look fancier. Enjoy!
I stir it into a hot bowl of soup or into pasta sauce just before putting it over the pasta.
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