Anyone Save Bacon Fat


5 Apr 2015
Local time
9:50 PM
Hi, it's me again, with all my questions. sigh By the way you all rock with answering them, too!

Okay. I know this might sound unhealthy, and I actually do not eat bacon, but my hubby and kids do. We have not done this for years, but we use to and I remember my grandmother use to save her fat. I save grandmother, not plural, the other one was not so much a cook, like me. So, I was just curious, if this is still common in other households?

I was reminded of this, as my son, just said, oh, we are about our of oil.:eek:
Do you eat yogurt? If so, when the pot is empty, wash it, put a hole in the bottom and thread through some string and slowly start to add things to it, bacon rind, bacon fat, bird seed, fat from anything else you cook (no blood) and hey presto you have a fat pot for the birds for winter.
That's so interesting. I remember my mother doing this with her empty Crisco cans. We ate tons of bacon back then & none of us were obese which I guess speaks to the whole move more than you eat theory. Currently, I'm not into the bacon craze. I like it, don't get me wrong, I just don't try to put it or infuse it into everything. Seems like a food fad. I try to use everything when cooking so, yes, when I make it I save the fat. Because it's not much I tend to store it in coffee cups. It's a husband surprise in the morning sometimes :coffee:
I have not had bacon in a while. While I could eat it every day, with my health concerns it's something that should not be in diet too often. That said, I have never used the
fat from it as I always reasoned if the bacon is not so great for me the fat could not be.
I still save my bacon grease. We use an old coffee can and keep it in the back of the fridge. We'll use the bacon grease for all sorts of things, it's not healthy but adds a great taste to many foods! My family has always saved the grease, both my parents and my grandparents did it, so it was just normal for me to do it it. My husband's family, on the other hand, never save the grease...but they do keep their coffee grounds in the, the first time my mother-in-law came to visit after we got married, imagine her surprise when she grabbed the can of "coffee" out of the fridge to find it full of bacon grease!
I still save my bacon grease. We use an old coffee can and keep it in the back of the fridge. We'll use the bacon grease for all sorts of things, it's not healthy but adds a great taste to many foods! My family has always saved the grease, both my parents and my grandparents did it, so it was just normal for me to do it it. My husband's family, on the other hand, never save the grease...but they do keep their coffee grounds in the, the first time my mother-in-law came to visit after we got married, imagine her surprise when she grabbed the can of "coffee" out of the fridge to find it full of bacon grease!

I don't imagine she was very thrilled with her findings. I can understand you point about it adding great flavour though. I need no convincing there. I just love bacon and would love to include it in so many dishes, but I try to stay really far. It's very expensive here in the supermarket, so that helps when it comes to keeping it to a minimum.
So what do you guys keep the bacon grease in? I've always used an empty coffee can, but it's getting harder and harder to find one that isn't made out of plastic nowadays. And for those who don't save the grease, how do you dispose of it safely?
We are bug bacon eaters in my home. We eat it at least once a week, but I usually do not save the fat. If I am making bacon and eggs or something then I will usually cook the eggs in the bacon fat after frying the bacon, but I do not save the fat to cook with later.
Rosyrain, how do you dispose of the leftover bacon fat? I'm hesitant to pour it down the drain, even with running hot water with it; I've heard too many stories of it building up on pipes and harming the plumbing.

Oh, and I love scrambling eggs in the pan after I've fried bacon in it. Gives such a great seasoned flavor to the eggs!
Rosyrain, how do you dispose of the leftover bacon fat? I'm hesitant to pour it down the drain, even with running hot water with it; I've heard too many stories of it building up on pipes and harming the plumbing.

Oh, and I love scrambling eggs in the pan after I've fried bacon in it. Gives such a great seasoned flavor to the eggs!

We grill our bacon. We put foil on the bottom of the grill pan so when the bacon fat drips it stays in the foil, it firms up when it goes cold and we just fold up the foil and throw it into the bin. That is if we are not saving it for the birds.
When I was younger, my mother kept the fat from bacon and other things in a pot on the stove until it was brimming full, and then she would simply pour it out in the back yard. We never actually used it for anything other than filling it and throwing it out so I'm still not sure what the bacon fat or other fat was for, but I do know we kept it in the pot on a stove; it sort of smelled like fast food restaurant fries to be honest.
We grill our bacon. We put foil on the bottom of the grill pan so when the bacon fat drips it stays in the foil, it firms up when it goes cold and we just fold up the foil and throw it into the bin. That is if we are not saving it for the birds.

That's what I do too. I'll mix my grill grease with a bit of seed and leave it out for the local sparrows too.

I usually buy back bacon and have never been too keen on those fatty bits at the end. Under the grill or in the frying pan, they always seem to harden. These days, I cut them off the rashers before I cook them and freeze them as they are excellent for adding to Bolognese sauce or chilli for some extra flavour.
When I was younger eating crispy honey bacon with fried egg and garlic fried rice is one of my favorite to eat at breakfast. But as I grow older and became health conscious I avoided eating fatty foods that is why nowadays eating bacon is not on the list of foods that I want to eat. It's been a long time since I do not eat bacon. That is why no bacon fat to be save. It is bad for health and one thing I had experienced eating bacon already when I was young and I want to grow old healthy.
We do not eat bacon any more. When we did eat bacon I save the fat in a coffee can to be used as a seasoning for other foods. My present diet does not include fried foods all though I do miss the french fries made in bacon fat once in awhile.
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