Are you a spinach stemmer?


Senior Member
21 Apr 2021
Local time
4:20 PM
yokohama, japan
In Japan, they just do not stem. Me, it's the first things I do.

I had some company over the other day and my stemming was so odd they took a photo! So, are you a stemmer?

Me, I LOVE spinach. I buy several bunches, stem, blanch, and vacuum pack the leaves for use later in the week then juice the the stems. If I'm feeling like putting in that extra, I'll separate out those baby leaves in the center for garnish and dehydrate and powder the now-juiced stems for protein shakes/smoothies.

spinach stems.jpg
In Japan, they just do not stem. Me, it's the first things I do.

I had some company over the other day and my stemming was so odd they took a photo! So, are you a stemmer?

Me, I LOVE spinach. I buy several bunches, stem, blanch, and vacuum pack the leaves for use later in the week then juice the the stems. If I'm feeling like putting in that extra, I'll separate out those baby leaves in the center for garnish and dehydrate and powder the now-juiced stems for protein shakes/smoothies.

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I will let you know when I pick some, I e just planted some out.

I only ever buy baby spinach, and you're supposed to be able to eat the little stems, but I still break those off...and I rarely eat spinach. My wife does. I just can't stand the thought of them. :laugh:
The spinach in the photo does seems to have rather thick stems. But the spinach I buy here doesn't (and I don't stick to one brand, nor do I buy 'baby spinach') so its never occurred to me to take the stems out. I think the spinach on your photo is probably left to grow much longer than the spinach sold in supermarkets in the UK.

I am also a spinach lover. I generally microwave it (in its bag) as soon as its delivered, drain and keep in the fridge in a storage box to use during the week.
The spinach in the photo does seems to have rather thick stems. But the spinach I buy here doesn't (and I don't stick to one brand, nor do I buy 'baby spinach') so its never occurred to me to take the stems out. I think the spinach on your photo is probably left to grow much longer than the spinach sold in supermarkets in the UK.

I am also a spinach lover. I generally microwave it (in its bag) as soon as its delivered, drain and keep in the fridge in a storage box to use during the week.

I actually started stemming after reading Mastering the Joy of French Cooking by God Julia, and I never went back.

They generally sell two different varieties here, the one in the picture has bigger leaves and thicker stems. They're both really good. The best part of Japanese spinach is it comes to you with not a grain of sand or dirt anywhere. It blows my mind how they get it so clean.
Stemming spinach: It depends. The stuff I get from the supermarket, only the largest (presumably toughest) stems. What I grow here depends on the type of spinach. Some stems are fine in thickness, others are thick.

If I am feeling organized (hah!!!) I'll reserve any stemming for the veggie "bone broth" I may make down the road.
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