Awaiting moderation before being displayed publicly


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
5:08 PM
SE Australia
You're new here and you've just posted your first thread or replied to a post, but the system is telling you "awaiting moderation before being displayed publicly".


What do you do now?
Well the answer is simple: wait. Carry on with looking around, reading, replying and once a moderator comes online, you'll quickly find that your post or thread will be approved (hopefully!) and become publicly visible.

You'll know that your post is visible you all members when the little green shield on the right hand side disappears when you view the sub-forum threads view and/or you start to get alerts that your post had been liked or, better still, replied to.

This shows 2 posts. The top is awaiting approval, the bottom one is live.

(There's also a slight colour difference between the posts.)

In the unlikely event of there being a problem with your post, a moderator will contact you and explain.

Once you have made a certain number of posts and been a member for a month or so, your posts will no longer be moderated unless they contain a hyperlink. Threads or posts with hyperlinks (or embedded images) will still be moderated for a while longer to ensure you are who you say you are and that you're not here to fill the forum with spam (such as adverts fake passports or driving licences or links to a business that you're being paid to advertise etc).

We ask for your patience in this matter. No-one likes a forum filled with links to dodgy websites or full of unauthorised adverts and this is one of the ways we ensure that we protect our existing members and our reputation online.
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