Recipe Baked Ham, with Mustard, Balsamic Reduction, Maple Syrup, Clove - and Peach Cider.

Mountain Cat

12 Apr 2019
Local time
6:13 AM
Hilltowns of Massachusetts
I figure it is about time to post some of my own recipes.

I am so NOT a sweet tooth, so I minimize the amounts of sugars I add to mains. Instead of brown sugar, I prefer the punch that maple syrup adds - besides I live in Maple Syrup country, and plan to tap a few trees next year. But there are added sugars to this recipe. It was a success when I served it at a small dinner party, but it can also be useful as an Easter main.

Prep Time: Allow 45-60 minutes for the ham to come to room temp; actual prep about 10 min.
Cook Time: 2.5 hours (20 min / pound).
Rest Time: 15 minutes.
Serves: 8, maybe 10.
Cuisine: American.
Leftovers: Yes. Add to omelets, salads, sandwiches, etc.

Baked Ham with Mustard, Balsamic Reduction, Maple Syrup, Clove
  • Around 10 lb / 4.5 kg ham, shank end, bone-in.
  • 1/4 cup / 60 mL of a quality Dijon mustard
  • 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar reduction
  • 2 tablespoons real maple syrup
  • Ground pepper to taste – I used about 1/3 teaspoon.
  • About 25 whole cloves (or a teaspoon of ground clove)
  • 1 cup / 240 mL sparkling peach cider, or apple cider.
Preheat oven to 325 F / 165 C.

Thaw ham in fridge starting a couple days prior to cooking. Pull from fridge about 45 – 60 minutes prior to cooking.

Score the ham with a sharp knife, especially through the fat pad.

In a suitable baking pan deep enough to contain juices without sloshing, place the ham. (For stability, and for any sloshing I might do when basting, I also had a full size cookie sheet underneath. I sloshed. Do it.)

In a separate small bowl, mix the mustard, balsamic reduction, maple syrup, and ground pepper, adding the ground clove if you are using that. Mix together, and slather over your ham, all exposed surfaces, and rub into the scorings.

Add the whole cloves (if you didn’t use the ground clove), poking into crevices of the ham, laying a few on top as well.

Pour the cider around the ham.

Bake ham 20 minutes per pound at 325 F / 165 C. Baste with juices about every 30-40 minutes. If your ham gets too brown, and is in danger of charring, you can cover with foil, but mine was fine.

Remove, let rest for 15 minutes prior to slicing and serving.

Serve with a variety of mustards and horseradish sauce. I really like the Boar’s Head brand of horseradish sauce!!

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This sounds super tasty - so this recipe is for frozen ham? Its strange perhaps but in the UK we don't really get frozen ham. Its easy enough to get fresh though. This would be a good Easter treat.
I live hams with glazes like that. First introduced to them about 40 years ago when my mom needed to find a way to use up a bottle of Chambord she was given (didn't drink). She mixed it with frozen raspberries, mustard, a brown sugar and I don't know what else, but it was great. Bet this is too!
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