Recipe Beetroot and Yoghurt dip


Active Member
27 Mar 2022
Local time
12:05 PM
Navi mumbai
Bonjour everybody!!
i decided that the recipe I sent for my homemade beetroot and yogurt dip or spread needed some measurements if any of you may want to make it, this recipe is for 2 people however that depends on how much you will eat, I usually take two tablespoons of it not more.

the ingredients are simple :

2 beet Roots
5 tablespoons of yogurt ( more preferably unsweetened just plain) .
add the salt according to your taste.
coriander is optional.

boil the beet roots in a pot of water, when the water starts becoming super bubbly then wait for 5 minutes before you turn off your gas. After that, let your beet roots cool in some room temp water. As it is cooled grate the beet roots with a grater then add them in to a separate bowl and add the salt, yogurt them mix! In the end squeeze a little Lemon or lime and sprinkle some coriander if you would like. et Voilà! Your beet root spread and dip!!
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