Best way to preserve hummus


Senior Member
17 Jan 2021
Local time
12:48 AM
I'd like to make some hummus eg with this recipe. Hummus recipe | BBC Good Food
Normally it will last a week or so in the fridge. How can I make it last longer other than adding more salt?

At the moment, I'm buying some hummus and adding paprika, curry powder, garlic and cumin. I like it, but when I use about 55g of hummus with 70g Walkers oatcakes, that's quite a lot of salt.
If I make some hummus using these spices, do people think it will retain it's flavour if frozen then left to thaw in the fridge?
I'd like to make some hummus eg with this recipe. Hummus recipe | BBC Good Food
Normally it will last a week or so in the fridge. How can I make it last longer other than adding more salt?

At the moment, I'm buying some hummus and adding paprika, curry powder, garlic and cumin. I like it, but when I use about 55g of hummus with 70g Walkers oatcakes, that's quite a lot of salt.
If I make some hummus using these spices, do people think it will retain it's flavour if frozen then left to thaw in the fridge?

I'm slowly coming around to hummus
I need to have a go some time soon.

It's a good question.

I've got some shop bought hummus in the freezer at the moment. The directions say not suitable for freezing, but we were going on holiday and it wouldn't last the 3 weeks we were away, so I threw it into the freezer. I haven't tried defrosting it, but I'm guessing, if there is going to be an issue, it will have more to do with a change in texture than a loss of flavour.
Hummus is so easy to make, I refuse to buy it in the shops. Additionally, when ever I've been offered shop-bought hummus, it tastes bland, bleugh, insipid.
I think it's one of those recipes that needs to be bold, which is why I'd probably add two,large cloves of garlic. the BBC recipe doesn't mention salt until the end (probably because they used tinned chickpeas), but salt is essential here. The tahini - sounds about the right quantity, but depending on the amount of lemon juice you use, you might want a bit more. And as for processing it until smooth and creamy; I think it's a personal choice thing. I like hummus to have a bit of texture to it.
I don't think it needs any other additions. I sprinkle a little paprika on top, just for decoration, but I don't add any other spices because I think the glorious thing about hummus is its simplicity. Same as babaghanush (smoked, mashed aubergines) and M'Hamarra (roasted red pepper, blitzed with hazelnuts and a bit of hot pepper). If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
How to preserve it longer? I've frozen all three of the above and they survive intact!
I like to add Cumin to the traditional one, but I guess you can always try out some more spices, like cardamom, nutmeg, ground coriander, ginger for taste and beetroot powder for color
I agree with making it yourself.
Very quick and easy with canned.

If you go with dried chick peas, then soak and boil and freeze remainder of chickpeas for a next batch of hummous

Or use split chick peas (can't remember the name right now)
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