
Forum GOD!
3 Dec 2017
Local time
4:55 AM
SE Florida

4-5 servings, recipe is easily doubled, tripled.

You can vary the vegetables, use kale or chard or even sliced Brussel sprouts instead of spinach. If you don't like carrots, use baby corn, just boil them some so they are more tender and not so salty, or charred/peeled red or orange bell peppers. Use crimini instead of shiitake. Etc.

Meat and meat sauce
1 pound ground round
3 Tbsp soy sauce or Tamari (I like Pearl River Bridge golden/light soy)
3 Tbsp sesame oil
3 tsp sugar – I use brown or palm sugar
3/4 tsp minced garlic

Bibimbap sauce – I double or even triple this because Craig likes it spicy.
2 Tbsp gochujang
1 Tbsp sesame oil
1 Tbsp sugar – I use brown or palm sugar
1 Tbsp water
1 Tbsp toasted sesame seeds
1 tsp apple cider vinegar
1 tsp minced garlic

Vegetables and other
6-8 ounces fresh shiitake mushroom

2-3 carrots depending on size

4 eggs, you want runny to slightly runny yolks to mix in with the rest of the ingredients. Fry, poach, soft boil or sous vide – your choice.

2 to 3 green onions/scallions, washed, then thinly sliced for garnish

Some cooking oil (vege/canola/peanut) to cook the meat, mushroom, carrots and eggs if frying

Kosher salt

1 to 1-1/2 cups uncooked Jasmine rice depending on how much you like rice and how hungry everyone is. Ratio of rice to water for Jasmine rice is 1.5 water to 1 of rice.

250g (0.6 pounds) baby spinach (more if you really like spinach)
1 tsp finely chopped spring onion/scallion
1/2 tsp minced garlic
1/4 tsp fine sea salt (You can adjust the amount of salt per your requirement)
1 tsp toasted sesame seeds
1 Tbsp sesame oil

Bean sprouts
350g (0.8 pounds) fresh mung bean sprouts
Kosher salt
1 tsp finely chopped spring onion/scallion
1/2 tsp minced garlic
1 tsp toasted sesame seeds
1 Tbsp sesame oil

I use an 8-9 inch skillet and a sauce pot big enough to cook the rice in, plus 1 small bowl/ramekin, 1 medium bowl (for meat) and 1 small bowl (for bibimbap sauce), a couple of spoons, and a cutting board. Otherwise, I make foil “bowls” to hold the veges that can be thrown away after you are done. Of course, this is for family style, not if you are serving company.

TIP Keep sesame oil in the refrigerator once opened as it can go rancid being a nut/seed oil.

If you are cooking everything at once, follow as below. If you are only preparing veges and ground round to marinate, and will finish later, start water for rice about 20 minutes before you want to cook the ground round, then cook the meat, then the eggs.

Start cooking eggs after you start the ground round. You will need an additional skillet or pot depending on how you cook them. If you sous vide, 145 F for 1.5 hours, which obviously would need to be started much earlier.

Wash rice until water is fairly clear. Drain in a colander, set aside.

Make the meat sauce listed above and mix with the ground round. If you are using right away, set aside. If you are cooking later, cover and place in refrigerator. Marinate the meat for at least 30 minutes.

Toast 1 Tbsp plus 2 tsp white sesame seeds in the skillet until just starting to turn golden. Pour into a small glass ramekin. Set aside.

Finely chop 2-3/4 Tbsp garlic. Set aside.

Finely chop green/spring onions/scallion. Set aside.

Make the bibimbap sauce. Set aside.

Start water boiling in the sauce pot, add about 1 tsp kosher salt. Pick through the bean sprouts, removing any bad ones. Rinse if they feel a little slimy. We get them from the Asian market as they are cheaper and fresher than what you generally get in the regular grocery. Add the bean sprouts to the boiling salted water and cook for 1-2 minutes. Drain, place in a foil bowl or other container, then add the remainder of the ingredients and mix well. Rinse the pot out.

If you are serving right away, start the water for the rice in the sauce pot, adding about 1 tsp kosher salt for each cup of rice. After the water boils, add rice, cover, bring back to a boil, then turn burner off and let sit for 20 minutes. The rice will cook with residual heat (learned this from one of Robert Irvine’s Food Network Dinner Impossible shows). If you aren’t cooking until later, hold off on cooking the rice so it will be hot, just start the water boiling about 20 minutes before you want to start cooking the ground round and eggs.

Add just a very small amount of water to the skillet used to toast the sesame seeds, and add about 1/3 of spinach with some salt. Allow to wilt, add another 1/3 of spinach, wilt, then add the rest. Cook until all of spinach is wilted. Place in colander and press spinach with back of spoon to remove excess liquid. Place into a foil bowl or other container and add remainder of ingredients, mixing well. Rinse skillet.

Peel, rinse and julienne the carrots. Add enough water to the skillet to just cover the carrots, bring to a low boil, add some salt and the carrots, and cook until tender, adding additional water if needed. Water should be pretty much boiled away by then. Place in a foil bowl or other container. Rinse skillet.

While the carrots are cooking, clean/rinse the shiitake mushrooms, removing and discarding the stems, and thickly slice them. Add some cooking oil to the skillet over medium high heat, add the mushrooms and some salt, and cook for 3-4 minutes. Place in a foil bowl or other container. Rinse skillet and dry with a paper towel.


Place about 1 Tbsp of oil in the skillet and heat over medium to medium-high heat. Add ground round and cook until just done. Be careful, the sugar/sesame oil/soy sauce or tamari in the marinade will burn and give the meat a funky taste. Remove from heat.

Start cooking eggs after you start the ground round. You will need an additional skillet or pot depending on how you cook them.

Place rice into a bowl and add some ground meat, top with assorted vegetables, Bibimbap sauce and the egg on top of the rice. Garnish with thinly sliced green onions. Serve.

Bibimbap is traditionally served in heated heavy earthenware bowls so that the rice crisps on the bottom. If you have them, it's nice to use them, but they aren't necessary.
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