Recipe Blood orange drizzle loaf cake


Kitchen Witch
29 Jul 2019
Local time
7:49 PM
The Netherlands
I had some blood oranges that needed using so decided to use my normal lemon drizzle cake recipe for a blood orange drizzle cake. It's a pretty sweet cake, if you like a more tangy version use 2 lemons instead of 2 of the blood oranges.


2 blood oranges (small, these were just a little larger than a tangerine), keep zest of 1 of the oranges
250 g self raising flour
250 g caster sugar
125 g salted butter and 125 g hard margarine (like vegan 'better')
4 eggs
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
For the drizzle:
Juice of 2 blood oranges (small)
50 g of icing sugar
Red food coloring
A loaf cake tin, standard size

1)Preheat oven to 160 degrees. Cream the butter and margarine in a bowl with the vanilla essence and orange zest, then add the sugar until mixed well.
2) Add the eggs, mix until creamy and then add the flour
4) When thick and glossy add the juice of 2 of the blood oranges to the mixture, plus the pulp (without pits) from the orange juicer
5) Spray the cake tin with a baking spray, then pour in the batter.
6) Bake for 55 minutes.
7) Let the cake cool somewhat but not completely, then stab it all over with a skewer.
8) Mix the icing sugar with the blood orange juice, if it's not red enough add food coloring as I did for a more spectacular effect.
9) Pour liquid over the cake and take care to brush it into the holes. Let cool completely then cover the cake (in the tin) with foil and let the icing get thicker and harder over night. Doesn't have to completely harden but is OK either way.
10) Cut cake loose from the tin gently (so you don't damage the tin) and turn the tin upside down to make the loaf come out whole. Slice and serve with a strong cup of coffee.
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