Boiled eggs ... again

Roger Burton

Senior Member
12 Dec 2019
Local time
10:05 AM
ok chaps after years I recently settled on soft eggs steamed for 6 mins ... generally good results depending on size and then I add 4 mins for hard boiled ... I don't like the grey ring so put under cold running water for a few minutes and then into an iced bath but yesterday when I peeled them the yolk had a grey rim ... is there another reason for the grey (other than cooling quickly) please ?
I read many years ago the green/grey ring is caused when you cook the eggs too long at too high of heat. Something about sulfur reaction.

The article said to put the eggs in pan with cold water and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to simmer (very low), put a lid on and let sit on simmer setting for 11 minutes. Remove from heat and run cold water directly into the pan for a few minutes.

Once I started doing it this way - no more rings. and that’s been probably 15 years ago.

This is what works for me - others may find /know differently.
Yeah, that's what causes that grey/green color, cooking too long and too hot.

My method is outlined at Serious Eats, but it's just dumping the eggs in boiling water, boiling for 30 seconds, then cutting to a gentle simmer for around 11-12 minutes longer, then into an ice water bath for 15 minutes. Middle of the yolk will still look a bit shiny/wet at that temp/time, but will be done.

Keep in the mind the differences between gas burners and electric burners as well. I have electric, so I set the water to boil on one burner, and at the same time, turn a second burner to simmer, and move the pot over when it's time; otherwise, your 30-second boil is more like a two-minute boil before the heat comes down.

Fortunately, with hard-boiled eggs, there's a lot of leeway between cooked enough and overcooked, so once you get the general time down, you can fudge it a little either way. Soft-boiled, not so much...
the ring coloring is a reaction between sulfur and iron.
overcooking is the usual culprit - however a perfectly cooked egg with no discoloration, left in the fridge for 24+ hours will likely develop a discolored ring.
the "chemicals" are always present - heat accelerates the reaction, but given time even under refrigeration the chemical reaction will occur.
Maybe it was caused by being left in fridge for 24 maybe 36 hours, as I said in original post my eggs are steamed for 6 mins for soft and then I add 4 mins for hard boiled ie 10 minutes (I don't consider 10 mins too long) I eat the soft straight away and keep the hard for a couple of days for salads etc ... anyway, thanks for all your help chaps.
^^^ Possibly. I generally eat any eggs I've boiled the same day, and typically within a few hours. Boiled eggs in my fridge? No way are they lasting 24-36 hours! Nom! 😋
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