Recipe Celeriac, Carrot & Fennel Bake with a Ginger & Tamarind Dressing


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
4:12 PM
SE Australia
I came across this recipe in one of my middle eastern cookbooks, Persepolis by Sally Butcher.

I've halved the ingredients, so that it now serves 4 as a hot lunch salad.
I'll give you warning now, this recipe will need a very large roasting pan. I ended up using the grill pan (UK term).
Thinking about this recipe and the flavours there are many substitutions that can be made here. In fact I didn't have the full amount of celeriac, so I added 3 potatoes to my dish. Pumpkin, squash, parsnips, pear, apricots, dates even are all viable substitutions. Any root veg with a fruit for the sweet and sour flavour will work. You'll want a vegan cheese (Recipe - (Vegan) Baked Almond Nut Cheese (Feta Style) - revisited) similar to feta for the salty tang to counter the sweetness of the fruit and the orange juice.
1 medium celeriac (at least ½kg), peeled
3-4 carrots
1 medium bulb fennel,
1 red onion,
1-2 apples, quartered & cored
1 tsp caraway seeds

For The Dressing
35ml/2½ tbsp good sunflower or canola oil
200ml fresh orange juice
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1½ tbsp tamarind paste or 30g tamarind fruit soaked in boiling water for ½hr and put through a sieve
2cm piece of fresh ginger, peeled & minced
½ packet of fresh dill
½ tsp salt

To Serve
fresh dill fronds
crumbled vegan almond feta
1-2 heaped tsp urfa flakes
warm flatbread/sliced sourdough

  1. Preheat your oven to 190°C/375 F/Gas mark 5.
  2. Prepare all of the veg. The celeriac and carrots need to be in 2cm dice and the rest roughly chopped. I cut the apple quarters into quarter again.
  3. Add all of the veg & apple to a large bag (watch it doesn't fall over). This is to get all of the veg covered in a good layer of dressing.
  4. Mic the dressing ingredients together and add about ⅔rds to the bag. Seal and shake (carefully). Now tip everything out into the grill pan/ roasting tray(s).
  5. Bake for around 25 minutes and check. Stir the veg and make sure you've still got plenty of dressing. Top up if needed.
  6. Cook for a further 20-30 minutes, or until the celeriac is just cooked. Keep an eye on the dressing, you don't want it to dry out and burn, so add a tad more water or remaining dressing if needed.
  7. Serve with fresh dill, vegan feta and urfa pepper, and serve with warm bread.
The original recipe used twice the above quantisation, so my pictures show twice what you'll get.

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