Recipe Cherry cake with pistachios


26 Aug 2020
Local time
10:51 AM
Cherry cake with pistachios

Serves 6-8 | Preparation and baking time ~1 hour 45 minutes

Ingredients / Crust
80 ml (80 g) softened butter + 2-3 tablespoons butter (and a handful of breadcrumbs) to line the cake tin​
100 ml (85 g) brown sugar​
2 eggs​
90 ml (50 g) unsalted pistachios​
200 ml (105 g) plain flour/APF​
50 ml (25 g) cocoa powder​
1 teaspoon baking powder​
1 teaspoon vanilla extract​
1 teaspoon cinnamon​
0,5 teaspoon cardamom​
0,25 teaspoon ground cloves​
50 ml (50 g) double/heavy cream (+ 10 ml if needed)​
30-40 ml (30-40 g) water (+ 2 tablespoons of cream liqueur) to moisten the crust​
30-40 g (a handful) of dark chocolate pieces or chips to melt on top​

Instructions / Crust

Set the oven to 175°C (350°F/gas mark 4, no fan). Line a small(ish) high-edged cake tin or oven dish (round or rectangular) with butter and breadcrumbs. Grind the pistachios well in a blender/mixer. Beat the softened butter and sugar for 2-3 minutes. Add the eggs while whisking. Mix all dry ingredients and add them to the mixture little by little alternating with the cream. Add 10 ml cream if necessary. Spoon and spread the dough evenly into the tin and bake in the lower part of the oven for ~60 minutes until done (the crust starts to detach from the edges of the tin). Let cool in the tin. Flip on a plate, cut into four or five layers and moisten with water or mixed water and liqueur. If the thin layers break during cutting or lifting, use the pieces to form even layers in the middle of the cake. Melt the dark chocolate for garnish.

Ingredients / Filling
200 g (~200 ml) double/heavy cream​
250 g (~230 ml) mascarpone cheese​
2 teaspoons vanilla extract​
1-2 tablespoons caster sugar​
6-8 tablespoons of cherry jam or marmelade (to taste)​
20 g (~35 ml) whole pistachios​

Instructions / Filling & Assembly

Whip the cream loosely and add the mascarpone while whisking. Add the vanilla extract and sugar, mix and set aside. Spread a generous amount of cherry jam or marmelade on top of each layer and add several spoonfuls of mascarpone & cream mix on top. Finally coat the whole cake with the rest of the mascarpone cream.

Garnish with quartered pitted cherries. Squeeze wavy strands of melted (steam/microwave) dark chocolate on top and along the sides of the cake e.g. from a hole in the corner of a kitchen plastic bag. Finish with a sprinkle of whole pistachios.

Let the cake set for at least 30 min, cut it with a saw blade knife to keep the layers in place and serve with a glass of cream liqueur.




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