Coffee Drinks


Disabled and Retired Veteran
18 Dec 2017
Local time
2:59 AM
Hey all,

I am looking for ideas to diversify the way I prepare my morning Joe.

I typically cycle through drinking coffee - black, using a flavored creamer, Kahlua, Honey and other syrups.

I have used Molasses, Maple Syrup, Blue Agave Syrup, Caramel, Chocolate and Nutrella.

I'm not into alcohol that much, except as a luxury food accompaniment. Therefore, things like Hot Buttered Rum Coffee are rarely considerations.

Share your favorite Coffee drinks and give me some ideas to diversify mine. If you do spike with some containing alcohol, post it too. I might see something that appeals.
My Dad was a coffee fanatic, he would have green Kenyan Beans sent to him by a friend in Kenya. He would then take it to Coopers in Liverpool to be roasted to his requirement. Some of this attitude rubbed of on me. We have a reasonable Espresso machine, I buy quality beans and Mrs B grinds them each morning. I am only allowed one double in the morning with a splash of hot foamy skimmed milk and one double after dinner. I am still in love with the taste of various coffees. Note the irony of my fav cups.
Kahiwa Coffee Roasters is a relatively new local coffee roasting factory and coffee importer. The owner's relatives lived in Kenya - that's how the company got started. We made experimental designs for their new café at the uni and got to taste their coffees. In reality, a large architectural office designed the roastery/café which is located in a new art exhibition center.

The plan of a group of three students (3D plan and rendering by me):


Photo source

Their decaf tastes good as do most of their other roasts. I usually put quite a lot of skimmed milk in my regular coffee.

Here's a good drink by a Finnish bartender Pekka Välitalo: Bulldog Cafe. Measure 4 cl of coffee liqueur (Mr. Black, Kahlua or else), 4 cl heavy cream, 4 cl skimmed milk and plenty of ice into a shaker and mix well. Dilute with Coca Cola or Pepsi.

For dessert, I might order a double espresso with cinnamon syrup and plenty of slightly whipped cream. Coffee with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on the bottom and some toffee/taffy or caramel sauce on top tastes great too. 2 cl of Grand Marnier and a pinch of grated orange zest and cinnamon converts filter coffee into a flavorful Christmas drink.
My Dad was a coffee fanatic, he would have green Kenyan Beans sent to him by a friend in Kenya. He would then take it to Coopers in Liverpool to be roasted to his requirement. Some of this attitude rubbed of on me. We have a reasonable Espresso machine, I buy quality beans and Mrs B grinds them each morning. I am only allowed one double in the morning with a splash of hot foamy skimmed milk and one double after dinner. I am still in love with the taste of various coffees. Note the irony of my fav cups.

I had an Espresso Machine, but it broke down and leaked. I have yet to replace it, except with a simple Mr. Coffee. If I went back to an Espresso Machine, my only problem would be to finely grind Coffee for making Espresso.
I just learned of another coffee sweetener, Date Syrup. Dates are much a much more versatile cooking ingredient that I may have thought. They can be made into Pastes, Syrups, Marinades, a fermented Alcoholic Drink, etc., etc. and used on meats, in soups, stews, on salads and in a whole list of other applications. When I thought about Dates and did some research, I also considered Figs.
This morning's coffee used Bailey's Mocha Mudslide Creamer with a shot of Kahlua.
I am a coffee addicted, generally I drink it as it is without even adding sugar, a drop of honey maybe sometimes.
However, I don't mind indulging myself sometimes in what is called 'caffè corretto' here, i.e. a coffee that generally indicates the addition of alchool. I add a drop of Schnapps or even Sambuca, an aniseed-based liqueur, as well as a drop of cognac.

Not really coffee with something but more something with coffee: have you ever tried ice cream with some hot coffee on it? It's an interesting and fun mix to enjoy.
We do drink boozy coffee, especially in the winter. I wasn't counting that, as it's its own thing, separate from the "morning cup of joe." :laugh:

We have Irish coffee, and coffee with peppermint schnapps, and coffee with amaretto, and coffee with butterscotch schnapps, and coffee with frangelico, and coffee with asbach, and coffee with Bailey's, coffee with triple sec, and combinations of those.
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