
Wannabe TV Chef
19 Nov 2021
Local time
7:35 PM
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon
This dish is quite popular in Hawaii. It's a riff on a Japanese Noodle dish.

Cold Somen Salad

Makes 2 large servings

Salad Ingredients:

4 oz. Somen Noodles

1 C. Lettuce, shredded

½ C. each, Carrots, Char Siu or Chinese BBQ Pork, Kamaboko or Steamed Fish Cake, julienne

1 C. Hot House Cucumbers, julienne

1 Egg

1 pinch each, Dashi Powder and granulated Sugar

2 stalks of Green Onion, sliced finely

1 tsp. Sesame Seeds


Prepare the Noodles, following the directions on the package; rinse under cold running water, drain well and set aside in the `fridge.

Beat the Egg along with the Dashi Powder and Sugar. Cook up as a flat omelet, cool and julienne finely; set aside in the refrigerator.

Dressing Ingredients:

⅓ C. Chicken Broth

1 Tbsp. each Soy Sauce, granulated Sugar, Sesame Oil

1/2 Tbsp. Rice Vinegar


Heat the Broth in the microwave for 30 seconds or less, just enough to dissolve the sugar.

Combine all of the Dressing ingredients in a tightly sealing jar; set aside, you got it, in the refrigerator.

Now that you have your mise en place, it’s time to assemble our salads. Be sure that all of the ingredients are well chilled.


I like to make individual salads, but you can combine all of the above as one big Family-style salad and let everyone serve themselves. Dress your salads just before serving though.

Now this is just how I do it, you put yours together how you feel is best. I like to start with the shredded Lettuce in a bowl, with the Noodles next; then artfully arrange all of the “goodies” on top.

You could stop at this point, cover, stash them in the `fridge and serve later. This is a great make-ahead dish for dinner or even a potluck.

When your ready to eat this gorgeous looking creation, shake that jar of Dressing well, spoon it over the top and combine everything well. I find that using my hands works best, but it’s up to you.

This is quite a refreshing salad and it’s also surprisingly filling.

The toppings of the salad can be whatever your family craves. What about Shrimp or Crab; some folks use cooked Spam®, Deli Ham, Cilantro, Mung Bean Sprouts, or even go Vegetarian and use Tofu — you decide.

Our family likes loads of goodies, no matter the kind.

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