Dissertation Survey

Completed. My thoughts:
  • An email address is required. This may put off respondents.
  • Tourism is assumed to be going abroad when in fact one can be a 'food tourist' within the UK.
  • There is no space to offer further comments at the end of the survey.
Completed. My thoughts:
  • An email address is required. This may put off respondents.
  • Tourism is assumed to be going abroad when in fact one can be a 'food tourist' within the UK.
  • There is no space to offer further comments at the end of the survey.

I live in Texas, so my input isn't needed, but I did want to look at the survey.

You are 100-percent right that requiring an email address will put a lot of people off (if they are smart). However, you can enter a completely bogus email address, and the survey will accept it (I tested it).

MG, I hope you didn't enter your real email address. If you did, I hope you like SPAM.

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I'll gladly forward the 150 or so emails I get every day to you. Most of them want money.

Are you being courted by a Nigerian prince, by chance?
Mod.comment: Please stay on topic. This thread is regarding a dissertation questionnaire and is aimed at UK members. Any further off-topic posts will be deleted.
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