Do you buy organic vegetables or normal ones?


24 Sep 2013
Local time
8:13 AM
Whenever l go shopping l like to buy vegetables listed as organic it does cost a bit more and you get less but l think it's worth it, do you buy organic vegetables?
I don't, I can't afford the premium. But from next year I'll have a little veg garden, so I'll be growing what I can, and that will be organic.
I am lucky to say that I have organic fruits and vegetables in my garden but I have hated vegetables since I was a child, so I don't eat them. Maybe there are 2-3 vegetables that I can manage to eat but I love fruits and it feels so good that I don't have to buy any of these at stores since I have my own little garden. :)
I always buy organic vegetables. The regular ones are full of cancerous pesticides. I try to grow my own vegetables without chemicals. I also shop for organic foods at the local farmer's market and road side stands. Organic just tastes better.
I buy vegetables, plain and simple, so I do not really care where they came from. In fact I have a few vegetables that grow in a planter that is in my terrace. But while I agree that organic fruits and vegetables taste better, I will not play by the side of commerce that has made of organic vegetables a costly option if compared with normal vegetables and fruits.

On the other hand, I often see that organic vegetables are the result of grafting and I like to eat vegetables and fruit as they were when I was child and now how they are actually reinvented.
Nope, never. Organic or not, I don't really see the difference. I usually go for the lowest price since budget is a little tight at the moment.
I agree with the commercial side of things, l hate paying more for organic but l know that normal veggies are full of chemicals.
I buy organic as much as I can. It should not be so darn expensive but it always is. My local grocer does not have every type of fruit and vegetable produced by organic farmers. A lot of them are chemically treated and there is no organic option offered. I've noticed that organic produce tastes much better than chemically treated produce. I think it is worth the extra money.
I use to buy regular vegetables, but now I have started buying organic. I much prefer the organic because it does taste better than the regular ones. I don't like the fact that they are more expensive, but when I can afford it I buy organic.
In Spain, all the fruit and vegetables that are sold on the street markets are organic, as they're grown by small producers, so that's where I buy most of them. I won't pay for organic in supermarkets, though, as I don't think the high premium is justified.
I agree that the high premiums are not justified, but I buy organic from the supermarket mainly when I can't get it from a local farmer. Otherwise I buy from the farmer.
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