Do you call it Grilling or Barbecue


1 Dec 2014
Local time
5:08 AM
Did you know that there was a difference between grilling and barbecue. I hear many people say they are doing / cooking / having a "barbecue" when they are actually just grilling. Is this a regional thing? Grilling is cooking on a grill over a heat source and barbecue is slow cooking using indirect heat. The difference between a burger or steak and 12 hour pulled pork. Just wondering what others call their outdoor cooking.
Not sure any Australians would agree with you on that though, they'll call anything put on a grill barbecue.
Its exactly the same, you use a grill, if you slow roast or roast your steaks in the oven ,they are roasted just the time it takes and the heat you use that is difference.
A slow cooker is still just cooking you food, it just takes longer.
I just call it whatever is common in the location I'm at.
A grill in the UK is part of your oven (so in the kitchen) and is an overhead element that can be used to melt cheese onto toast or brown the top of something.

See here.
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A barbecue is a charcoal or gas fire used exclusively outside. It heats from underneath.
A grill in the UK is part of your oven (so in the kitchen) and is an overhead element that can be used to melt cheese onto toast or brown the top of something.

See here.
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A barbecue is a charcoal or gas fire used exclusively outside. It heats from underneath.
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Charcoal is best, it gives extra flavour whereas gas is just gas. I have been involved in a heated debate, it is only a BBQ if you use charcoal not if you use gas. Everyones opinion differs, personally I am on the charcoal side.
Charcoal is best, it gives extra flavour whereas gas is just gas. I have been involved in a heated debate, it is only a BBQ if you use charcoal not if you use gas. Everyones opinion differs, personally I am on the charcoal side.
I was simply highlighting the difference between Grilling and BBQs in the UK.
Personally, I prefer charcoal or wood, but as a rule I don't bbq thingso that had more to do with the fact I don't like my vegan meals cord alongside meat etc, but also most of my vegan food does not require cooking in that manner either!
Seems like everyone has a bit of a different opinion as to what these words mean. Definitely not a surprise though, since we all come from different countries etc.
I always call it barbecue... I blame american TV for this. xD
My dad calls it BBQ even though it is propane. I think of grilling as something that can be done indoors, like at a restaurant kitchen. It might be a little smoky to do in your own kitchen though.
Interesting. I have always used them interchangeably, but you are right. I prefer to barbeque. I like to let meat slow roast for a long period of time. A couple summers ago a group of my friends and I went camping. The built-in racks in the fire pit seemed so high we didn't think the meat would cook, but since we had bought a bunch of ribs, we threw them on. We sat around and talked, and drank, and almost forgot about them. Eight hours later we pulled them off, and they were the most succulent and moist ribs I have ever had in my life!
I call it a barbecue when I have a 'grilling' because after the grilling portion of the cooking process is done for the food, I usually slather the hot dog, hamburger patty, sausage, etc. in a homemade honey barbecue sauce before either serving it in a bun to the guests for them to dress up how they like or adding a quick slice of cheese and then handing it to the hungry guests in the buns.
I live in the south and it is grilling down here. BBQ is slow smoked pork, beef, or chicken that have sauce added to them after they are cooked. We have BBQ restaurants in abundance here, but no "grilling" restaurants. Hey, maybe that's my next business idea!
I call it BBQ. It could be because I use charcoal. I don't like propane. I like the flavor that charcoal and wood chips adds to the food. There are a lot of restaurants in the area that call themselves "grills" as in bar and grill. Most of them cook their food over an open flame. So I'm not really sure of the difference between barbecuing and grilling.
I simply classify my outside cooking as a cook out. No rather fancy classification or argument from me. Charcoal at its finest cooking my food on a nice mild evening sounds rather exceptional.
I call it barbecuing even if I am actually grilling something. My dad calls it that so it has just stuck with me all of these years. Barbecuing in my home refers to all outdoor cooking.
There's actually a real difference between the terms barbecue and grilling in the States. To say otherwise in some States is paramount to an insult. When I moved from the West Coast, I believed that anything cooked outdoors on a grill was considered barbecue, however I was given a thorough dressing down by lots of people in the Midwest on the differences. Since a ton of Midwesterners share family ties with members in the South, there's a lot of crossover in culinary cultures and barbecue is one of them. Barbecue is taken extremely seriously in the South since it's one of their traditional foods.

Barbecue is a method of cooking that relies on indirect heating. It involves cooking meat for a long period of time at low temperatures using smoke from a wood fire. Another term for it is also pit barbecue.

Grilling is a method of cooking over direct heat.
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