Do you make jams, jellies or coulis?


Forum GOD!
18 Mar 2018
Local time
9:29 PM
Christchurch New Zealand
Any of the above, I'm picking strawberries and raspberries as it's the start of summer here. Wife increased our raspberry canes as my home made jams and coulis were so popular last year. Yesterday I picked 10 strawberries and 30 raspberries. I freeze these until I get 500gms then I make either Jam or coulis. Coulis is just delicious on ice cream or desserts. The grandkids love it. A Sunday treat for them. My mum and nana always made home made jams etc. do you guys make your own jams/jellies or buy store bought??

Once. I made strawberry jam once, this past summer. Wasn't hard, but it wasn't something that really tripped my trigger, either.
I make blackberry jam. We've got masses of wild blackberries round this way, so it feels criminal not to put them to use.

We used to make raspberry jam every year, but sadly the plants near where we live have pretty much died off. I think they just got overrun by more vigorous plants that strangled the life out of them. It's a shame - I love raspberries.
I make blackberry jam. We've got masses of wild blackberries round this way, so it feels criminal not to put them to use.

We used to make raspberry jam every year, but sadly the plants near where we live have pretty much died off. I think they just got overrun by more vigorous plants that strangled the life out of them. It's a shame - I love raspberries.
Picking between 30 to 50 raspberries a day, grandson gets a few as well.

My ex-wife made jellies just before Christmas to give to her customers. I bought the jars, designed the labels, and got them printed. They were really good, but I'm not a big eater of jellies and jams. Her customers loved them, because she took the time and made the effort to make them.

My ex-wife made jellies just before Christmas to give to her customers. I bought the jars, designed the labels, and got them printed. They were really good, but I'm not a big eater of jellies and jams. Her customers loved them, because she took the time and made the effort to make them.


Nothing like that here, just plain jars with felt tip writing. My friends and family love the stuff as well.

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