Does anyone still drinks milk with their dinner?

Christina C

13 Nov 2013
Local time
7:48 AM
I remember when I was younger my mother made me drink milk with my dinner. Now that I have my own son I give him milk to drink with this dinner but I don't drink it anymore just in my tea. It has been so long since I drank milk that I have gone off the taste.
I have a friend who is allergic to dairy too, she used soya milk. I tried it a few times but it wasn't for me. For all the milk that i don't drink now I take calcium supplements. I love cooking something new that I have never done before.
Rarely. I usually just drink water but I do occasionally have a glass of milk if I have some in the fridge.
A glass of milk? Only with breakfast, but not on a daily basis.

Sometimes I feel cravings for a glass of milk and cookies at twilight, probably recalling that my mother used to get us drinking one through childhood.
I have a friend who is allergic to dairy too, she used soya milk. I tried it a few times but it wasn't for me. For all the milk that i don't drink now I take calcium supplements. I love cooking something new that I have never done before.
My OH has soya milk and I am quite happy to cook with it, but I don't like it by itself (so won't have it over cereal or as a glass of milk, mug of hot milk). Oat milk however, and homemade nut milks, I like and will drink by themselves.
Chocolate soya milk is another matter entirely! :D
Ya i wouldn't drink soya milk o its own either, its not for me.

Cookies and milk that I really like now. When I am sick I like a glass of warm milk before I go to bed.
Up until recently, I was one of those still drinking a glass of milk with dinner every night, also out of a childhood habit. Have also been feeding it to my kids for years. Just discovered with my son, however, that when I drink milk (and yogurt and ice cream) my breastfed son broke out with eczema. Seriously. Cut the milk (and milk products) from my diet and his eczema is gone. I still enjoy half and half in my coffee every day, and perhaps it is a small enough amount not to affect him. I also can still eat cheese and sour cream with no adverse effects.

That said, I cut milk from the family diet, and it seems my kids have stopped farting so much. My husband is lactose intolerant, and on a whim (with the eczema issue) I just stopped buying milk. I think it is helping my kids. So I'm over it.

We do almond milk on cereal here, my husband does soy (gag me). But otherwise I've replaced it as a drink with just water. We get vitamins and minerals in so many other sources, I'm just not worried about it.
Definitely not lol. I also grew up drinking milk with most of my meals and loved it (as long as it was freezing cold). Now the closest I get is pouring too much almond milk on my cereal and drinking what's left once the cereal is gone lol.
I personally don't like the milk that left after all my cereal is gone, its too sweet.
I don't drink milk overall as much as I used to, especially since it's so spendy to buy. I'll have it on cereal or as a glass with breakfast sometimes. Otherwise I'll just go for water or maybe a soda for dinner.
I had forgotten the milk in my cereal, and I like such a sweet taste. Other times when I drink milk is having a shake, usually chocolate, banana or strawberry shakes.
Do you make the shakes yourself? If you do can you give me a recipe if its not a family secret to the nicest shakes in the world
Do you make the shakes yourself? If you do can you give me a recipe if its not a family secret to the nicest shakes in the world

I use a combination of things - it varies - yoghurt, milk, avacado, berries & honey/another sweetner makes a nice shake.
yoghurt, berries/fruit, ground nuts & seeds, ground oats sweetner/honey, plus milk to thin as needed (make thinner than you expect because oat absorb liquid and will soon thicken the shake is another I use from time to time. No real set quantities, but mix and match as needed - can leave the yoghurt out if you don't have any etc. Avocado makes the shake silky smooth. Oats make it thicker (use a coffee grinder to mill them). Ground nuts & seeds add protein, fruit & sweetner add the flavour. I say sweetner because I use agave nectar rather than honey, you could also use maple syrup, golden syrup or just straight sugar if needed.
I use a combination of things - it varies - yoghurt, milk, avacado, berries & honey/another sweetner makes a nice shake.
yoghurt, berries/fruit, ground nuts & seeds, ground oats sweetner/honey, plus milk to thin as needed (make thinner than you expect because oat absorb liquid and will soon thicken the shake is another I use from time to time. No real set quantities, but mix and match as needed - can leave the yoghurt out if you don't have any etc. Avocado makes the shake silky smooth. Oats make it thicker (use a coffee grinder to mill them). Ground nuts & seeds add protein, fruit & sweetner add the flavour. I say sweetner because I use agave nectar rather than honey, you could also use maple syrup, golden syrup or just straight sugar if needed.
Wow that sounds so nice. I am going to try some. Something that would be heathy fir me to drink on the mornings then just tea. Thanks
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