Does anyone still eat boiled eggs?


24 Sep 2013
Local time
8:12 AM
The last time I had a boiled egg was when I was a teenager and now l'm in my thirties and I do not eat egg anymore so l can't answer this one:) do you still eat boiled eggs with the soldiers?
3 boiled eggs and granary soldiers two days ago ,and I'm 45!'golden yolk free range soft boiled
I do on occasion still. I eat eggs almost every day, but they are usually for breakfast and they are either scrambled or fried. If I happen to skip breakfast or have something other than eggs, then I will have hard boiled eggs later in the day on a salad or a sandwich.

When I was in college, there was a local bagel shop on campus that only used hard boiled eggs on all of their breakfast sandwiches. I thought that was kind of odd at first, but the sandwiches were still good. I guess it also makes sense as a restaurant owner since you probably don't want to be standing there scrambling eggs to order all morning. It would be much easier to boil a batch and peel them all in advance. Plus the leftovers would last several days.

They would slice them and put them on a bagel with other toppings such as bacon and cheese, then steam the whole sandwich in this steamer machine until everything was heated through and melted.
We occasionally have boiled eggs for breakfast, and I'm 61 and my husband is 79! However, I always have some hard boiled eggs handy in the fridge, as they make a quick, easy, low fat yet filling snack during the day, and of course, if we want a quick sandwich, there they are.

The eggs here in Spain are all free range, and they're very cheap, so when we go to the UK I always take a couple of dozen with me, because not only are they more expensive in the UK, they're not so tasty and they don't keep so well.
Yes I eat them quite a lot. Delicious, quite healthy and go together with most things. And I can boil them and leave them in the fridge afterwards so it only I can prepare a bunch beforehand and then eat them when I feel like it.
yes - frequently. I acquired the habit whilst on tour - hard boiled eggs don't 'break' as easily as uncooked ones (!) and still have them soft boiled at home (both hen's & duck's eggs done as soft boiled, though my OH prefers ducks eggs fried to boiled for some reason...)
I really love eggs and despite I can't longer eat them on a daily basis due to a recent price rise where I live, I still eat eggs as frequent as I can.

As Sandra said, hard boiled eggs are a great snack, and I have over a dozen of recipes that include them so when not in a quick sandwich or simply sliced and seasoned with lemon and salt, there is always other different ways to taste them.
I am older then Arch, I still have boiled eggs.

Sometimes when I am a bit peckish and just want a snack I will have one or two eggs. I often hard boil them, peel and eat, or if there is a little mayo then I will make a sandwich, or I will add quartered eggs to a pan of baked beans.

It is so good when the egg is just off hard boiled when the yolk isn't runny, just a little creamy and sticky but not dribbling.:hungry:

It is very tempting to boil a couple now, but I won't as I am not actually in need of any food.:smug:
I don't eat my eggs this way anymore, but I used to love it! I mostly just have eggs sunny side up on my toast, which isn't too overly removed from boiled eggs and soldiers either. I actually don't like hard-boiled eggs, when the yolk is thoroughly cooked. Runny yolk with toast is pretty delicious.
I use to like to eat boiled eggs but I find that I can no longer eat them because I have acid reflux and found that boiled eggs seem to rebel on me. I have found though that if I eat boiled eggs in a salad such as tuna salad that I don't have to issue. So, I do still make boiled eggs for use in salads, just not to eat any longer. The only time boiled eggs are made for consumption in my home is at Easter time, but then I am making them for members of my family, and don't make any form myself because I know they don't agree with me health wise.
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