Recipe Eggy Bread


Legendary Member
15 Oct 2012
Local time
9:08 AM

  • A shallow bowl for mixing egg(s)
  • A non-stick frying pan
  • Bread board
  • Knife
  • Egg whisk
  • Fork
  • The will not to eat as you go along
This will depend on how many slices of eggy bread you intend to make. As a rough guide, one medium-size egg, will make two slices of eggy bread when using standard sliced bread.
  • 1 medium egg
  • Milk(Optional)
  • 2 slices of bread
  • Oil for cooking

Milk is often added to the egg(s) before beating them. The amount of milk would depend on the number of eggs being used. As a rough guide, you should increase the egg mixture by around a quarter when adding the milk, which with one egg would be a small amount.

  1. Using the egg whisk or fork, beat the egg(s) until the yolk and white (and milk if using) are thoroughly mixed together.
  2. Heat the oil in the frying pan. The oil should cover the surface of the frying pan. Using the fork or whisk, drop a few drips of the beaten egg into the middle of the frying pan. When that starts to fry, you know it's hot enough.
  3. Using the fork, or holding the corner with your finger and thumb, pick up one of the slices of bread and place it in the beaten egg. If necessary, turn it over so it is coated in the egg.
  4. Place the egg-covered slice of bread in the frying pan. Repeat with other slices of bread, depending on how many will fit in your frying pan.
  5. Each slice will need turning after a couple of minutes. Using the fork, turn the slice that have browned.
  6. When both sides are nicely browned, remove from frying pan and allow to cool for a minute or two.
  7. You may need to add extra oil in between batches, if the eggy bread soaks up the oil. There should be enough oil to fry the eggy bread, but not enough for it to be swimming in it. This may take some trial and error to perfect.
  8. Eat while still hot and enjoy!

Additional Information
The recipe above is for basic eggy bread. In the US, they serve eggy bread sweet with powdered sugar (icing sugar) or maple syrup and call it 'French toast', or 'Texas toast' when made with very thick-sliced bread. Other UK variations include the use of brown sugar and honey or butter and marmalade, or just maple syrup.
This used to be a great standby if I was left with one egg, two slices of bread and two kids to feed! Its also known as Pain Perdu (Lost bread)
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