
1 Apr 2016
Local time
10:12 AM
London/Essex border, UK
This is a classic (and my favourite!) gingerbread recipe, taken from a 1973 cookery book called "The Best of Good Housekeeping". I usually make double the amount just before Christmas, slice it up and put it in the freezer. A third will go to my daughter's when I visit at Christmas time. The rest lasts me for months. No photos, I'm afraid, because I've already eaten what I made last time. :laugh:


450 g plain flour
1 level tsp salt
1 level tbsp ground ginger
1 level tbsp baking powder
1 level tsp bicarbonate of soda
225 g brown sugar
170 g butter or margarine
170 g treacle
170 g golden syrup
285 ml milk
1 egg, beaten
Small amount of icing sugar

  1. Line an 8 inch (20 cm) square tin with baking parchment or greaseproof paper.
  2. Sift the flour, salt, ginger, baking powder, and bicarbonate of soda into a large bowl.
  3. Warm the sugar, fat, treacle, and syrup until melted, but do not allow to boil. Mix in the egg and the milk.
  4. Make a well in the centre of the dry ingredients, pour in the liquid, and mix very thoroughly.
  5. Pour the mixture into the tin, and cook in the centre of the oven for 1 1/2 hours at 160C/140 fan/325F/Gas Mark 3, or until firm to the touch.
  6. Allow to cool slightly before removing from the tin. When completely cool, wrap in the baking parchment or greaseproof paper.
  7. Sprinkle a little icing sugar over the top of the cake before eating.
  1. For a smaller cake, use half quantities with a 7 inch (18 cm) tin, and bake for about an hour.
  2. Stores in an airtight container in the fridge for several days, or in the freezer for several months. The cake will remain sticky, and the flavour improves with storing.

Gingerbread !! This is remarkable ! Great recipe ..

One year, my 2 daughter in laws, my mom, my mom in law & myself, had made my 2 grandsons a Gingerbread House ! And Gingerbread cookies ..

We change the theme every year .. Last year was " Snowmen " .. This year, we shall take a vote ..

Have a lovely evening .. and a nice wkend ..
I will definitely make this! The gingerbread I normally see comes in two forms: cookies (shaped like gingerbread men) or houses. Making the house is always a comical affair that never turns out looking like picture on the box. But, in both cases, the gingerbread is usually somewhat stale, since someone else has made it, and it's been sitting in a box. But, making my own would be so much better. Thanks for posting!
I will definitely make this! The gingerbread I normally see comes in two forms: cookies (shaped like gingerbread men) or houses. Making the house is always a comical affair that never turns out looking like picture on the box. But, in both cases, the gingerbread is usually somewhat stale, since someone else has made it, and it's been sitting in a box. But, making my own would be so much better. Thanks for posting!

I think this is different from the 'gingerbread men' you refer to - this is a moist cake rather than a cookie. And much preferable in my opinion.
I will definitely make this! The gingerbread I normally see comes in two forms: cookies (shaped like gingerbread men) or houses. Making the house is always a comical affair that never turns out looking like picture on the box. But, in both cases, the gingerbread is usually somewhat stale, since someone else has made it, and it's been sitting in a box. But, making my own would be so much better. Thanks for posting!
Funnily enough, I've never liked gingerbread men, and nearly all of the gingerbread houses I've seen have been used as ornaments rather than actually being eaten. And yes, classic gingerbread is a cake, although some people do slice it and put [a decent unsalted] butter on it.
I think this is different from the 'gingerbread men' you refer to - this is a moist cake rather than a cookie. And much preferable in my opinion.
A cookie...what's that? Oh...you mean a biscuit? :laugh:

Now that you mention it, I wonder why it's called ginger BREAD if gingerbread men and gingerbread houses aren't actually bread. English is a funny language, isn't it?
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