Recipe Fermented Honey Garlic


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
6:07 PM
SE Australia
So I've been looking at methods of preserving garlic and one of the ones I came across was fermented honey garlic. I'm familiar with pickled garlic and have made that previously, but fermented honey garlic is a new one on me.

I'm using this blog as my guide.
How to Make Fermented Honey Garlic | The Seed Collection

The finished ferment also makes a delicious and unusual ingredient in all kinds of marinades, glazes, toppings, salad dressings and stir-fries. Try it drizzled over a strong, ripe cheese, where the spicy sweetness will enhance rather than overpower its flavour, or use it to glaze veggies, either as part of the cooking process or spooned over just before serving,

And lastly, a few drops dotted over a cooked pizza can liven up even the most basic shop-bought specimen and will take homemade pizzas to a completely new level of flavour.

Skinned garlic cloves, lightly bruised
Raw honey, enough to cover garlic
1tbsp Apple cider vinegar

Sterilised jar with sealing lid

  1. Peel (and if you're like me and it's home grown garlic covered in soil, wash) the cloves of garlic. The quantity depends on the size of the jar, and you'll only want to half full the jar.
  2. Add the slightly bashed, peeled garlic to the sterilised jar along with the tablespoon of ACV. The acidity will help neutralise any bugs, as will the sugar in the honey. Shake the jar gently.
  3. Add the raw honey to the jar, enough to thoroughly coat the cloves with room to spare. The mixture will thin over the next few days, so don't worry too much about tapping or all of the air bubbles, but do try to clear a many as possible.
  4. Periodically, burp the jar and turn the jar over to mix the contents. After day 2, you'll be able to smell the ferment.
  5. After a week, you can use the fermented garlic, or keep fermenting it for up to a month. Store in the fridge to stop the fermentation process.

It smells divine already!
I've been looking at methods of preserving garlic and one of the ones I came across was fermented honey garlic.
That looks absolutely amazing. What a great idea! I've got a local honey producing friend who specialises in different flavours of honey, a result of the bees taking the nectar from specific flowers: mango blossom, local clover, etc. I'm definitely going to give that a go!
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