Recipe Food Christmas decorations?

30 Nov 2012
Local time
11:01 AM
Hampshire, UK
Does anyone else make their own edible Christmas decorations? The main two I do are gingerbread biscuits to hang on the tree, and dried orange slices. I love the traditional look, and they smell nice too.

The oranges are dead easy: just thinly slice a few oranges (they shrink as they dry so you're better using large ones) and spread on parchment or silicone paper to dry. You can either dry them in a low oven, or just leave them in the airing cupboard for a couple of weeks. Once dried I poke a little wire through and hang them on the tree - they look great when the light shines through them.

This is the the gingerbread recipe I use every year - the main thing is to make sure you roll them thin and bake them enough so they get fairly hard....otherwise they'll soften and fall off the tree!

250g plain flour
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
1 tsp ground ginger
1/2 tsp mixed spice
75g unsalted butter
100g dark Muscavado sugar
75g golden syrup
1 medium free-range eggs

- Cream the butter and the sugar
- Add the golden syrup and the egg and mix well
- Sieve the flour, spices and bicarbonate of soda together and fold the flour in to the creamed butter mix
- Wrap in cling film and refrigerate for a minimum of 12 hours

- Preheat the oven to 150°C
- Line a baking tray with parchment paper
- On a lightly floured surface roll the ginger biscuit dough out to about 5mm even thickness
- Use cutter to cut the shapes, arrange the biscuits on the prepared tray, leave at least 1cm gaps as they do swell
- Make holes for the ribbons (I use a drinking straw to do this)
- Bake for 15–18 minutes until golden but not too dark and cool on a rack
- Immediately re-enforce the holes as soon as they come out of the oven to make sure that the gaps are big enough for the ribbons before the cookies cool down too much (I use a chopstick)

- When cooled, decorate with royal icing or glitter or whatever else takes your fancy, thread ribbons through the holes and hang on the tree.
Wow those are some great ideas. I might try the orange slices. I have never done them before but I am sure they would look great on my Christmas Tree and quite festive. My grand daughter and I still string popcorn for her little tree. It is something that has become our tradition and a lot of fun to do together. I would be interested in hearing about some other edible decorations that people make.
I wonder how you get the energy and the time to cook dished and bake edible decorations. When we were living in the ancestral home of my husband, his mother would be in the kitchen for the entire day before Christmas. She would be cooking at least 3 special dishes for Christmas day and another for Christmas eve.And there there's a variety of sweets on the table like flans and pastries. But now in our home, we just buy the sweets although sometimes we make cassava cake for the guests.
I once made some Christmas ornaments using dough. I just added some parts of glue to it and started mixing until I achieved that clay like consistency. I love creating and sculpting so I made some figures of angels, snowman, santa, etc. I then let them dry in the sun I did not use the oven I felt like I might burn the glue so the hot sun is just right. I then painted them white to make them last the season and avoid molds.
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I wonder how you get the energy and the time to cook dished and bake edible decorations.
Yep it does take some time, but I really enjoy it and for me its all part of the fun of the run up to Christmas: one of my favourite things is baking the cake on the 23rd and icing it on Christmas Eve (I do plan something easy for dinner that night though so I don't have to worry about that too!).
For the decorations luckily not everything needs to be made at the same time: I'll probably start the oranges in a couple of weeks, and the gingerbread doesn't need to be made until the tree goes up at the start of December.
They do sound really good, and I bet your house smells nice too. We can't get golden syrup here in the US but maybe I will google a recipie to make them here. However, I guess the orange slices are the easiest things to make, and something that would be easier to do. It would be fun to put them on the tree, and I bet they smell super amazing!
I have really never tried to make edible decorations other than a couple of popcorn strings a while back. I would love to make a gingerbread house someday, but do not have time right now. I think the kids would eat most of it before it was even assembled.
They do sound really good, and I bet your house smells nice too. We can't get golden syrup here in the US but maybe I will google a recipie to make them here. However, I guess the orange slices are the easiest things to make, and something that would be easier to do. It would be fun to put them on the tree, and I bet they smell super amazing!

Try to buy golden syrup in the USA. Or you could make your own! Its basically just sugar and water lightly caramelised.
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