Food origin misconceptions


Senior Member
30 Dec 2017
Local time
11:53 AM
I don't know why but it always bugs me when foods origins are misplaced. For instance here in Egypt they think pizza is American lol :giggle:. When the girls here ask me if I can teach them American recipes I always say sure! Then they say okay teach me how to make Pizza! I'm like :facepalm::roflmao:that's Italian not American lol! Another misconception is the hamburger which I am told and research tells me the first hamburger came from Germany not America.

Also another famous food is Chocolate which we all assumed came from Germany right? Well although there is some truth in that it's not all true. Chocolate was first discovered in South America which was a bitter beverage made by the natives. Spain took it and many variations of the beverage was made then in Germany I believe they finally invented the candy we all know today as chocolate.

Now in if were talking variations of dishes there is a type of pizza that was created in America which is the famous New York style I believe. It's always fun and interesting to find out the history and origin of our food don't you think? What food origins do you know that commonly get mistaken for another country or that just interest you?
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I don't know why but it always bugs me when foods origins are misplaced. For instance here in Egypt they think pizza is American lol :giggle:. When the girls here ask me if I can teach them American recipes I always say sure! Then they say okay teach me how to make Pizza! I'm like :facepalm::roflmao:that's Italian not American lol! Another misconception is the hamburger which I am told and research tells me the first hamburger came from Germany not America.

Also another famous food is Chocolate which we all assumed came from Germany right? Well although there is some truth in that it's not all true. Chocolate was first discovered in South America which was a bitter beverage made by the natives. Spain took it and many variations of the beverage was made then in Germany I believe they finally invented the candy we all know today as chocolate.

Now in if were talking variations of dishes there is a type of pizza that was created in America which is the famous New York style I believe. It's always fun and interesting to find out the history and origin of our food don't you think? What food origins do you know that commonly get mistaken for another country or that just interest you?

You are correct that pizza and the very word "pizza" are Italian. Pizza came to the US after WWII when US soldiers in Italy liked it enough to bring it back home with them where it was adapted with unique attributes that are distinctly American. Pizza is akin to Focaccia flat breads, also Italian, but flat breads topped with various ingredients go much further back in time and to places all around the Mediterranean and as far away as ancient Persia. Pizza like uses of flat breads are known by archeologists and anthropologists who have found remains ... to go back to a time almost before written languages, the Neolithic.
The chocolate I prefer is imported direct from Colombia, but I do know what you mean. I am not a fan of any form of chocolate manufactured in Europe, but German chocolate is better than most.

It's difficult to know where some foods come from originally. A lot of foods were local to various areas rather than from a specific country, and some foods are now grown in the most unlikely places too. In mediaeval England, trenchers were used to eat from. These were flat discs of bread, and the food was laid on top of them. The bread was either eaten last or given to the poor. Similar discs are used in Ethiopia.
The chocolate I prefer is imported direct from Colombia, but I do know what you mean. I am not a fan of any form of chocolate manufactured in Europe, but German chocolate is better than most.
I use to not be such a big fan either, but as I got older I seemed to love it more. I love a German chocolate brand which is Ritter Sport they make the best dark chocolate ever. Dark chocolate is my favorite:chocegg:
My cousin doesn't like 'foreign' food, however when he goes to Spain for a holiday he eats pizza :o_o:
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