Foods you dislike


Regular Member
26 Apr 2022
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2:49 AM
What foods do you dislike no matter how many times you try them or different ways they are prepared/cooked?

What foods do you dislike when growing up and end up liking later in life?
Most foods I dislike, I don’t keep trying, but squash, I just really feel I should like it, but I just don’t. Sweet potatoes are another one.

There were a lot of vegetables I didn’t particularly care for when I was a kid, but most of them I like quite a bit now. I ate them, but I didn’t like them much - things like carrots and broccoli, just the usual kid aversion that I eventually grew out of.

Now that I think about it…salad dressing. I never much liked salad dressing and would always eat salad with no dressing (when I ate salad). Now I like all sorts of dressings.
Most foods I dislike, I don’t keep trying, but squash, I just really feel I should like it, but I just don’t. Sweet potatoes are another one.

I'm not keen either but there are a few flavour combinations which I think makes them work - notably chilli, tamarind, pomegranate molasses, certain herbs such as sage and rosemary, burnt butter, lemon (not all at once).

I don't like chocolate. Don't like anything that is over sweet.
I hate margarine (gross backstory in spoilers). Especially combined with peanut butter.
So when I was 6 I had a teacher who hated me and placed me on a dual table in class with a boy who vomited at lunch, every single time. And he always vomited when he had peanut butter on his bread, which was richly decorated with margarine bits. The smell, oh god the smell. I will never forget it, and I had to endure it for a full year. Why this poor kid didn't get another lunch I will never know. But I have not eaten margarine since, and the smell of marg and peanut butter still makes me gag.
So butter it is here, and nothing else. Plus the butter will not be spread on bread, unless it's toast.

Otherwise I have very few foods I dislike, though I don't like smoked fish particularly. No herring, mackerel or that kind of thing for me if I can avoid it. I can however get it down to avoid seeming impolite. There are more foods I can't eat due to medical issues, but I've already covered those extensively here.

I like sweet foods but really dislike candy floss, which is all the wrong things in candy for me. Just sweet, nothing else, lots of it and not satisfying at all plus the wrong texture.
I can't eat or stand the smell of bananas. Hubby eats them and I'll buy them for him, but he has to wash his hands afterwards, not expect me to kiss him or come close until the smell has gone, and he has to chop up the skin for the compost heap. Just the smell makes me gag. I can't have them hidden in things either, so a chocolate cake with banana in it is out of the question.

I also can't have pineapple, though thankfully the response isn't the same to the smell and hubby doesn't eat pineapple at home at all.

I grew up able to consume dairy and lived on it because I've never been able to drink squash or soda and various fresh fruit juices. fruitS milk was my main drink. But in my early 20's I developed an allergy (not intolerance) to cows milk. I switched over to goats milk, goats butter, goats cream, goats yoghurt, goats ice cream and so on and was fine for about a decade or so on that and sheep's milk. We were able to buy both, though goats milk was easier to obtain than fresh sheep's milk. Sheep's milk cheese, easy but not so easy sheep's milk.... then 15-17 years ago that allergy got very severe almost overnight after I got ill. Since then any dairy product or component of milk (casein or whey protein, it lactose monohydrate (a filler in medication) now causes me anaphylactic shock and is a complete and utter no go. I've epi-pens, and various other medications to treat the anaphylaxis with, places I frequent know where I keep my epi-pens as do people I'm with routinely, just in case I'm unable to respond or get to them myself.
I grew up able to consume dairy and lived on it because I've never been able to drink squash or soda and various fresh fruit juices. fruitS milk was my main drink. But in my early 20's I developed an allergy (not intolerance) to cows milk.

Yeah - there are few foods which have an unfortunate effect on me (mayonnaise, taramasalata, coconut milk) but it isn't a case of me disliking them. In fact I quite like the taste of mayonnaise and I definitely like the taste of taramasalata.

As a kid I liked everything I was given. I became vegetarian age 11 but that wasn't because I disliked the taste of meat.
What foods do you dislike no matter how many times you try them or different ways they are prepared/cooked?

What foods do you dislike when growing up and end up liking later in life?
As to your first question: Bitter melon. I can't seem to enjoy it in any preparation.

As to your second question: liver and other organ meats. 9-year-old me would have hated Liver or anything similar; 39-year-old me doesn't mind liver, and loves Haggis and other variations of black pudding.
i cannot think of a single food item that i have been served and wont eat. but some i can imagine i wont eat? some offal. brains, pancreas, stuff like that. AHH.. testicals. i cooked and ate one off a deer we got and it was, been there done that. it tasted okay, not worth the excitment to visit again.

Funny. part two. veggies. i hated them as a kid. and to riff Fowler above..Bitter Melon. i now LOVE the stuff.
I never ate beef, pork, veal, lamb or fish when I was a kid, UNLESS they were minced, so a burger or fish finger was OK. Chicken was our main protein (and cheese, of course) and eventually, turkey.
I started eating fish when I was about 28-29; now, I can´t eat enough of it.
There´s no vegetable I will not eat. Not one.
Give it to the dog.
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