Recipe Fried Polenta Balls Stuffed with Gorgonzola


Forum GOD!
17 Feb 2017
Local time
8:24 AM
Milano, Italy

Whether leftover or made from scratch, one of the many ways to use polenta is to make polenta balls filled with a stringy Italian Gorgonzola cheese. I made them from scratch using instant polenta, then fried; after all, they’re meant to be something tasty and quick to prepare.
You can also stuff them with Taleggio or Fontina cheese or simply with your favourite cheese.

Serves 3-4, Preparation 10 min, Cooking approx. 10 min

  • 400 g Polenta, corn flour
  • Gorgonzola Dolce or Spicy, to taste
  • 1 egg
  • Breadcrumbs, to taste
  • salt, to taste
  • Peanut oil for deep frying, about 800 ml

Cut Gorgonzola cheese into small chunks and set aside.

Beat the egg in a bowl and place the breadcrumbs on a plate.

Prepare the instant polenta according to the instructions on the packet – it usually takes 8 to 10 minutes, otherwise take the leftover polenta out of the fridge and let it rest at room temperature.

Level the polenta about 1 cm high.
Wet your hands, the mixture should not be sticky but easy to work, take a piece of polenta put it on the palm of your hand, add a piece of Gorgonzola in the middle, close and form a polenta ball.

Dip each polenta ball in egg, then in breadcrumbs.

Heat the oil, as soon as it is ready for frying, plunge a maximum of 3 balls at a time, turn up the flame and keep it high until they start to sizzle, frying them for about 1-2 minutes.

Take off from the frying-pan, place on a plate with paper towels, a pinch of salt and serve warm.
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