Gas or charcoal grill?


1 Feb 2015
Local time
2:55 AM
USA (South Carolina)
I love to barbeque and I'll do it in any season as long as the weather permits. I had a debate recently about what kind of grills make the food taste better. Personally, I am a charcoal grill kind of person. I like the gas grill, but I will never take preference for one over a charcoal grill. There is something about the flavor of the charcoal that makes the food taste so much better to me.

Which do you prefer?
I don't really see the point of a gas grill. You might as well just cook under the grill in your oven. If you're going to grill outside, use charcoal!
I like you prefer the charcoal grill anytime! I find that the gas leaves a funny smell on the food, then again that might just be me and my picky personality.
Charcoal is the best though!
My vote is for a charcoal grill as well. There is something about the taste of the food that is so much different. My dad swears by his little Weber grill even cooks a whole turkey on it for the holidays.
I don't really see the point of a gas grill. You might as well just cook under the grill in your oven. If you're going to grill outside, use charcoal!

This, entirely. The only reason I suffer with gas or electric cooking is because my real Grill is under four feet of snow and waiting to be revived from a frozen tarp.

Can't wait to grill in the spring. Charcoal gets my vote, because you can get flavored scents now from mesquite BBQ to Applewood smoked... plenty of options for plenty of food, and it tastes wonderful. And makes you want more. Hence, Charcoal. Ribs mmmm.
I never use gas, definitely charcoal for me. I sometimes even use hickory wood chips or shavings whenever I smoke or grill meat (sometimes fish) outside. Using charcoal is much better in my opinion because it leaves that really nice smell on the food compared to simply using gas.
Use gas and charcoal both have their purposes!
Portable I use a Cobb ,quick lighting magnesium and pressed charcoal flat plate cooking system,will cook a full meal including veg wrapped in foil cooked around the base
The big thing in the uk now is a unit the can be used inside,I have seen one in action great bit of kit but the cost matches !
In our house we usually used charcoal for grilling. The taste of grilled pork, squid and fish is better when cooked using charcoal. Also the smell of charcoal grilled meats are quite appetizing. Chicken and Turkey are also best grilled in charcoal.
To me the gas grill does not give the bbq taste that cooking on a charcoal grill gives. We cooked a turkey on the charcoal grill that was so good it is hard to eat the baked in the oven turkey, the taste is just not there. I think cooking the turkey on a gas grill would be the same as cooking it in the oven.
Here in our place most people use gas for grilling. We had this ceramic grilling plate that we put on top of the electric gas stove and it is very useful and it is safe and we can bring and use it anywhere. No need to worry compared to charcoal grilling where there are charcoal ashes that goes with the food which is bad for health. And to think that the food being grilled are delicious too.
I really need to invest in getting a small charcoal grill for this summer. I would like to have cookouts when we go camping and so this is going to be a must for us. Gas grills just make food taste a little nasty to me.
I really need to invest in getting a small charcoal grill for this summer. I would like to have cookouts when we go camping and so this is going to be a must for us. Gas grills just make food taste a little nasty to me.

Charcoal grills can also give off a nasty taste to food as well!

Ever been invited to a cookout, you go there, expecting to have good tasting barbecue, begin eating it, and then you found out that the meat cooked on the grill, especially the ribs, tastes like lighter fluid?! That is because whoever started the fire and used charcoal lighter for the coals DIDN'T WAIT until the coals (all of them) turned white!! That is a complete turnoff to me, and I won't go back if that is the case!!

This would've been a sure sign that it is safe to put the meat on the grill. In order to eliminate that awful taste in the meat, all of the coals have to be white. I know several people that do that, and once I found out that they did, then I don't go back to any of their cookouts! I stay away. When they offer to invite me back, I just respectfully decline, telling them that I made a prior commitment to be at someone else's cookout. And if they insist, by saying something to the tune of like; "Well come over after you leave from there." My reply will be; "Well, I think than I might end up leaving the other person's house late at night." :stop:
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I am always using charcoal when grilling. Although using gas is more convenient but using charcoal could give your barbecue the perfect result! :)
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