Getting started with the Media Gallery


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
5:15 PM
SE Australia
This carries on from an Introduction to the Media Gallery.

Why use the media gallery?
Let's say you were writing up a recipe and had a number of photographs showing the various stages during the preparation and cooking. One or two of those images could easily be used in two or three different threads.

For example, let's take the current mushroom recipe challenge.
You might have some images of the mushrooms that you have purchased. They could be shown in the What produce/ingredients did you buy or obtain today? thread as well as the thread for the actual recipe. You could also be chatting about the mushrooms in the The CookingBites recipe challenge: mushrooms thread and may post exactly the same image in that thread as well. That's 1 single image perhaps 1½Mb in size uploaded directly into 3 threads taking up 4½Mb in total. It will also take up 4½Mb in disk space for back ups and have counted 3 times towards any bandwidth caps/limits either at your end or at the server side.

The media gallery allows you to add the image once and show it (via a link) in as many places as you want. It only counts towards one lot of disk space (1½Mb), one lot of backup space (1½Mb) and one lot of bandwidth whilst displaying as many times as you want it to. That's the beauty of the media gallery.

How is it set-up?
There are 2 areas to the media gallery : a public area where I have defined some branches of a tree, similar to a filing system and roughly matching the forum structure, and your "private" area where you can create your own filing system (structure of own albums). The default permissions on personal albums still allows everyone to view your images which is essential if you are to actually use the images in threads and posts.

So the forum structure for threads looks like this (this is my admin view, it allows me to show a more compact view)


And this is the media gallery setup.


You'll see that they are similar but not identical.
There are a number of media galleries for specific threads. These are threads that typically have lots of images. The idea here is that you create your own album within these galleries. For example, in the The Veg Plot & Growing to Preserving media gallery I have a specific veg plot gallery in my name (SNSSO's 'Your Veg Plot Photos') and have dated in summer 2020. I'll create a new one for summer 2021 (which being in the southern hemisphere has yet to happen).

Similarly, in the What did you eat or drink today? media gallery, I have an album called SNSSO's 'What did you eat 2021?' Which I use for images that don't have an associated recipe album to store it in.
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The folder structure I've created in the public area is intended to be used in almost the same way that you use the forum. What you call your media album is entirely up to you but if it is for a specific recipe, I'd suggest you call it the same name as the recipe just for simplicity sake.

For example
My recipe Recipe - Mushroom Beignets is in the Vegetables, Salads and Mushrooms forum.
So my images for this recipe are in a media album called Recipe - Mushroom Beignets and can be found in the Vegetables, Salads and Mushrooms media gallery.

If I wanted to though I could have created my media album in my personal media area as a personal album. It is possible for you to change the file permissions on that album but if you do, whilst you can see and add them to threads such as your recipe thread and the current what did you cook today thread, other site members will not be able to view those images (with the exception of the site staff else we won't be able to help you out if something goes wrong) The main difference between the media galleries and the personal albums is that the personal albums have no folder structure as such and members can't browse through your pictures only view them when you add a link to them to in a thread.

How to create a media album?
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