Recipe Ginger "beer"


Senior Member
2 Sep 2022
Local time
11:42 AM
Zambezi Valley, Zambia
I'm cheating here and am posting a recipe that is a bit different from the one I actually made today.
Reason being that I used malted barley & hop today, requiring equipmemt that most people won't have.

If this is against the rules, I'll post what I made today instead (i haven't tagged it as challenge for now)
Note that the following recipe has been made by me several times

Water: about 8 litre total
Sugar: 800 gr
Ginger: about 100 gram crushed
Sliced limes or lemons: 4 or 5
Voss kveik yeast

Before, at some point in time:
Boil 4 litre water, let it cool to room temperature and then put in the fridge

Bring 4 litre water to the boil and add the sugar till all is disdolved. Add ginger and lemon slices and boil 5 minutes more (to disinfect)

Cover pot and let it cool for a bit.

Then add 4 litre ice water (the previously boiled stuff).
Once the temperature is below 40 oC, move it to a fermenter and pitch the yeast. About a teaspoon is enough.
Wrap up to avoid too many temperature fluctuations and wait.

Voss kveik yeast is a quick one and works between 20 and 40 oC.
Fermentation will be finished in 5 days.
Transfer to clean pet bottles with 6-8 gr sugar per litre to carbonate.

It will take about a week to carbonate, then move to fridge, leave for a couple of days, and drink.
It will be very dry and have a strong ginger taste initially, but mellows over time

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I'm adding what I actually did.

Water: 6 + 2 litre
Milled pale ale malt: 400 gr
Limes: 4, sliced
Sugar: 500 gr
Ginger: 2 x 45 gr, crushed)
Hop (strissel spalt): 2 x 5 gr
Yeast (voss kveik): teaspoon

Unusual process as I didn't mash the malt, but sort of steeped it.

Start heating 6 litre water with biab* bag inside the pot, but not touching the bottom.
Once 60 oC, add malt, turn heat to low and slowly bring to the boil (took 30 minutes).
Remove bag and malt.
Add first batch of hop and boil (this will add some bitterness)
Add limes as well
After 15 minutes add first batch of ginger & sugar
After 15 minutes add 2nd batches of ginger & hop and turn off heat (the late hop addition is for aroma)
Close pot and cool as quick as possible
Once coolish, add the 2 litre cold water and move all to fermenter.
Add yeast and wait patiently

Ginger as in pic in previous post

Hop pellets

Grains in biab* bag in pot

Biab stands for brew in a bag.
It's just a fine weave bag that holds malted grains, so they can be removed easily.
My first one was some mutton cloth stitched together and I know a lot of people use paint strainer bags (although I have never seen or used one)

My fermenter is a homemade one, just a small stainless steel milk can that I added an airlock to.
First one I used (and still use) was a foodsafe bucket with an airlock

Please ask if anything is unclear
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