Recipe Golden Turmeric Pancakes with Caramelized Pineapple Topping


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12 May 2020
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3:27 AM
Golden Turmeric Pancakes with Caramelized Pineapple Topping

It's fairly well-known that turmeric has wonderful anti-inflammatory benefits and is great in combatting arthritis and other maladies, but I recently discovered that pineapple contains bromelain, which is also an anti-inflammatory and is used to naturally treat gout. I thankfully do not have either of these issues, but combining these two powerhouses together could be quite benefical for those who do.

I used turmeric both in the caramelized pineapple topping and the pancake batter (I also used pureed pineapple in the pancake batter). The turmeric and cinnamon in the caramelized topping balanced out the brown sugar and honey quite well, so the pancakes were not overly sweet. The addition of toasted pistachio nuts on the top of the pancakes added crunch and a depth of flavor that complemented the other flavors quite nicely. A drizzle of honey over the pancakes before serving made it even better!

Notes: I used vanilla almond milk and egg in my pancake batter to up the nutritional content even though the directions on the box mix only call for water. For vegans, skip the egg. Also, you will need to either use a little less liquid or a little more pancake mix, as the pineapple puree is quite wet and will make for a very thin pancake that will be hard to flip. I like pistachio nuts for this recipe, but I think that cashews or almonds would work quite well, or none at all if you dislike them or have an allergy.

Commercial pancake mix or your own batter recipe
1 egg (optional)
Almond milk, cow's milk, or water
For the above, follow the directions on the box or the recipe that you use according to the desired amount of pancakes, adjust by using a little less liquid or more pancake mix to compensate for puree
2 cups of pineapple chunks (I used fresh): 1 cup for the puree, 1 cup for the topping
3 tbsp brown sugar
2 tsps turmeric (1 tsp for the batter, 1 tsp for the caramelized pineapple)
1/2 tsp cinnamon
4 tbsp butter (2 for the caramelized pineapple, 2 for cooking the pancakes).
Honey for finishing drizzle


Remove shells from pistachio nuts. Toast nuts for a few minutes on a baking sheet at 300F, then pulse through the food processor briefly. Place in a small container and set aside.


Put 1 cup of pineapple chunks in the food processor and pulse for about 30 seconds to 1 minute.


Mix together pancake mix, egg, and liquid of choice, making sure that you smash out any lumps. Stir in the pineapple puree and turmeric.


In a small saucepan (I used a small cast iron skillet), melt 2 tbsps of butter and add 1 cup of pineapple chunks. Spoon the brown sugar over the top and cook for about 3 minutes on medium heat. Add turmeric and cinnamon at the end. Cover with a lid and set aside.


Melt a small amount of butter in the pan for each batch of pancakes. Cook your pancakes according to the box instructions. Place desired number of pancakes on a plate, then add caramelized pineapple and pistachios. Add a drizzle of honey at the end if you would like a little added sweetness.


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