Recipe Halloween Banana Mummies


Forum GOD!
17 Feb 2017
Local time
10:35 AM
Milano, Italy

Serves: 4 | Preparation time: 25 mins | Cooking time: 20-25 mins

  • Ready-rolled puff pastry: 160 g (about half of a standard-sized roll)
  • Bananas: 2
  • Eggs: 1
  • Caster sugar: as needed
  • Chocolate drops: as needed (about 12, 2 for each mummy)
  • Icing sugar, as needed


Tip: Make sure to select bananas that are not too ripe!

Pre-heat the oven to 180°C.

Beat up the egg in a bowl and set it aside. Cut each banana in pieces of roughly 5 or 6 cm.

Roll out the puff pastry sheet and prick it all over with a fork; this will allow moisture to escape the pastry when you bake it, and the puff pastry won’t swell. Cut the puff pastry in stripes 1 cm wide.

Place a piece of banana on each puff pastry strip. Wrap the banana in puff pastry as if it would be the bandages of a mummy.

Apply two chocolate drops on one end of the banana to make the eyes of the mummy. Insert a wooden skewer in the other end; this will allow you to hold the mummy when you eat it.

Brush each mummy with the egg and sprinkle it with some caster sugar.

Place the mummies on an oven tray lined with baking paper. Bake at 180°C for about 20 minutes (it depends on your oven) or until the puff pastry is golden and cooked through.

Once ready, let them cool down for few mins, then sprinkle them with some icing sugar.
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