Hello Everyone

Cindi M Bauer

Regular Member
17 Jan 2022
Local time
4:12 PM
I'm Cindi, and I enjoy cooking and baking along with my husband. I'm also interested in the paranormal and haunted houses. I'm looking forward to being a member of this forum, and getting to know others who post here as well. 😉
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I'm Cindi, and I enjoy cooking and baking along with my husband. I'm also interested in the paranormal and haunted houses. I'm looking forward to being a member of this forum, and getting to know others who post here as well. 😉

Good welcome from California.

Paranormal and haunted houses? There are some good haunted house movies I can put you on to. But as far as the paranormal goes, the things that have clicked in my life time are those strange events that stink of ESP. But we won't go into that stuff as people get frightened when they figure you can read their minds. Too many of them have things to hide about themselves.
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What are you cooking up there in Wisconsin these days? Be sure to join in and let us know.

The paranormal - my wife and I are interested in that as well; I as more of an entertainment opportunity, but she's a little more interested in it as part of the human experience. We've been on dozens of ghost walks over the years (starting with one on our honeymoon) and have also done...(counting)...three overnight ghost hunts.
Welcome to CB, Cindi! We have a lot of fun and great conversation in the forum, and there is a lot of great food from around the world being posted in here. Looking forward to seeing your favorite dishes!
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