Hello from Northern California


New Member
19 Aug 2023
Local time
3:22 PM
Alturas, CA
Hi, just joined my first forum (I'm old school).
I like it very spicy, especially Thai curries and some Indian foods are my favorites. I'm not a chef but have been cooking for myself almost my whole life. And I try to be a vegetarian but the county I live in has more cows than people and the most I can get vegetarian at a restaurant here is an iceberg salad.
Also love juicing. I use both a wheat grass juicer and a K&K juicer. For those who don't know, a K&K Juicer is a 2-step juicer, something like a Norwalk Juicer, but better. First part turns whatever you're juicing, such as carrots, beets, celery, etc into the consistency of apple sauce. Then the second part is a 5 to 8 ton press that presses the juice out of this applesauce-like stuff. This is the type of juicer some alternative Cancer Institutes use, such as Gerson, because of the very high nutritional value of the juice. It doesn't just press the sugar water out of the veins, but rips apart the very plant cells and that nutritional part is also pressed out in the juice. I could write a very long article on juicing and juicers - perhaps one of my passions. I once wrote an article called The Physics of Juicing. But please forgive this rambling.
Hello to everyone and I wish you all a healthy and blessed life.
Hi, welcome from Ohio! We’ve got a lot of spice fans and curry lovers here, so you should fit right in. Feel free to jump right in.
Hi, just joined my first forum (I'm old school).

Welcome from Maidstone, Kent in the UK. :welcome:

Don't worry. Forums are now thought to be 'old school' in any case! Forums allow for extended discussion and longer posts. The current media trend is towards instant reaction and shorter posts: Instagram, X (twitter) etc. I'm not so keen on that.

We have a quite a few members here who eat vegetarian a lot of the time (me included) and a fair few who love hot spices (me included). Feel free to join in wherever you like.
Don’t worry, I’m like moldy old cheese!

Mod.comment: Off topic posts must stop immediately. Further off topic posts will be deleted! Edit: Oh - I thought you were sayin' I was like mouldy cheese... Anyway lets all get back on track:

Now, to get back on track. You mentioned juicing in your introductory post steveX. Please feel free to start a new thread about this. I think it would be of interest.
Hi, just joined my first forum (I'm old school).
I like it very spicy, especially Thai curries and some Indian foods are my favorites. I'm not a chef but have been cooking for myself almost my whole life. And I try to be a vegetarian but the county I live in has more cows than people and the most I can get vegetarian at a restaurant here is an iceberg salad.
Also love juicing. I use both a wheat grass juicer and a K&K juicer. For those who don't know, a K&K Juicer is a 2-step juicer, something like a Norwalk Juicer, but better. First part turns whatever you're juicing, such as carrots, beets, celery, etc into the consistency of apple sauce. Then the second part is a 5 to 8 ton press that presses the juice out of this applesauce-like stuff. This is the type of juicer some alternative Cancer Institutes use, such as Gerson, because of the very high nutritional value of the juice. It doesn't just press the sugar water out of the veins, but rips apart the very plant cells and that nutritional part is also pressed out in the juice. I could write a very long article on juicing and juicers - perhaps one of my passions. I once wrote an article called The Physics of Juicing. But please forgive this rambling.
Hello to everyone and I wish you all a healthy and blessed life.
Hi and welcome

I'm originally from the UK (well both of us are) but we had the opportunity to emigrate to Australia... well someone offered to pay my husband to live and work in Australia and then Covid happened just at the point when our visas should have expired so we did the obvious and stayed... but I think we'd already decided we wanted to stay by that point. Living in Australia is much more fun that buying a house in Lancashire UK.

Anyhow I was vegetarian from the age of 11. Then I developed a life threatening allergy to dairy protein and am not that keen on honey, so went vegan, but we have our own chooks (chickens) so I'll eat those eggs and no others. My chooks have a very sheltered life and are spoilt rotten. Most are rescues or chicks of rescue chooks that went broody on me. Excess eggs get donated to food charities.

I love Indian food as well as middle eastern and my spice cabinet is massive!
Hi, I really don't mind off-topic posts at all in my threads. In fact, I kind of like it. I'm sure I'll go down a few rabbit holes myself from time to time. That's just what us senior citizens do. I was born in Ohio, grew up and lived in Los Angeles, then moved to the Northeastern corner of California six years ago.
I can say one thing already - I'm impressed with the international flavor of the replies on this web site. So cool having people participating from all over the world here. I look forward to hearing more from all of you (even off-topic posts). ;-) Hope that statement doesn't get me in hot water with the mods. That would be a bad way to start . . . .
I don't have that many original recipes for Thai food - just stir fries, pad thai, coconut curry, etc. And not a big repertoire of Indian foods either. I hope to learn a lot more here. However I have done a lot of very different juices and smoothies.
Hope that statement doesn't get me in hot water with the mods. That would be a bad way to start . . .
You'll soon pickup on the fact that MG is very good at starting new thread from off topic posts within an existing thread... it's get favourite hobby after cooking, lol. :wink:
(But in all seriousness, new threads are the life blood of any forum, so we need them...)
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