Recipe Homemade Baharat


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
4:57 PM
SE Australia
Baharat is the Middle Eastern equivalent of garam masala and as with all of my spice mixes, I prefer to make my own using a recipe I like rather than purchase a shop bought version. So this is my version of Baharat

The freshness of your spices will contribute greatly to how much you like this combination. It's a pretty easy recipe, using a 2 parts black pepper & paprika to 1 part of everything else (except for the chilli flakes).

1 tbsp black peppercorns
1 tbsp Hungarian sweet paprika
½ tbsp whole cloves
½ tbsp whole cumin seeds
½ tbsp whole coriander seeds
½ tbsp whole green cardamon
2-3cm of cinnamon stick
½ tsp red chilli flakes

You need to lightly roast all of the whole spices including the broken up cinnamon stick by warming up a dry frying pan (no oil) and adding all of the whole spices to the pan (so everything except the paprika). Lightly toast until fragrant being careful not to burn any of the spices.

Now thoroughly grind everything together in a spice grinder. You'll want to put the mix through a sieve and grind anything that didn't go through the sieve again. Repeat until everything goes through the sieve.

The result is a wonderfully fragrant and only slightly hot spicy spice mix.

Looks very nice! I like making my own spice mixtures but I don’t think I’ve made this one yet though I do have a jar of it in my cupboard.
Toasting the spices is the nay way to go IMO, it brings out the aromatics and flavor.
It's something I've never heard of before. Interesting.
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