Hot Chocolate


16 Nov 2014
Local time
6:46 AM
Washington, USA
I remember that my mom used to make us homemade hot chocolate when we were kids. It consisted of milk, cocoa powder, and sugar. I really want to make it for my kids but I always forget and end up buying the pouches instead. Do any of you make your own hot chocolate? How do you make it?
I remember that my mom used to make us homemade hot chocolate when we were kids. It consisted of milk, cocoa powder, and sugar. I really want to make it for my kids but I always forget and end up buying the pouches instead. Do any of you make your own hot chocolate? How do you make it?
Yeah...its cheaper to make your own and very easy. Here in UK 'Hot chocolate is sold in tins and labelled as that or as Drinking Chocolate. Its really only a mixture of sugar and cocoa powder but for some reason it dissolves directly into warm or hot milk (which cocoa powder doesn't). So its very easy to make hot chocolate with that product as you just stir the powder into hot milk. We also get the instant hot chocolate here, in jars or sachets. This has milk powder added so you just add water.

The cheapest option is to buy cocoa powder, which is unsweetened and then follow these instructions:
1. Add 4g of cocoa powder to a cup or mug.
2. Add a small amount of cold semi-skimmed milk and mix to a smooth paste.
3. Add 200ml of hot semi-skimmed milk (or any milk)
4. Stir briskly until fully mixed.
5. Sweeten to taste.
Simmer full fat milk,hand full of chocolate callets(small choc buttons) whisk in sugar as desired pour in a mug squirt of whipped cream mini marsh mellows
We have chocolate tablets here called Tablea which literally means tablet. It is round like a big coin and thick. One tablet is good for one serving so we cook it by counting the tablets, one for each person. The boiling takes about 10 minutes together with the sugar and milk although we still pour some milk before drinking. When we have no tablea in stock, we just order hot chocolate from McDonald's here. Yes, they have the best hot choco in town, no question about that.
I use local Malagos garden dark chocolate, grind it up, add milk and hot water and I'm good. I sometimes put a little cinnamon and salt to taste. These days I just buy the Swiss Miss pouches and add milk because I've become too lazy and tired from work. It's still good on a cold night. :)
Hardly ever. I did a few months ago and I did not like it. It did not taste like what I remember as a child. I am happy to get the backs from the store. It's my favourite hot beverage. When everyone is having coffee, I can have hot chocolate.
I always make my own hot chocolate for the family. I use homogenized milk, cocoa powder, brown sugar and a drop of vanilla. Add some whip cream on top and you have a great hot drink with no additives.
What a let I was looking for 1970s soul bands...

I made some last Winter, but I can't remember the proportions. I used half and half, which is usually the only 'milk' type product I keep on hand, cocoa powder, and sugar. I cooked it together in the pan, rather than heating the half and half and then adding to the other ingredients in the mug. I always figure if something is worth making, the recipe is worth doubling or tripling, so I made extra, then re-heated it the next day. I'll probably make some more when the cool weather hits :).
I love drinking hot chocolate not only during the cold season of winter but any day I feel like to drink this. For my hot chocolate I like using the Hershey chocolate powder and full cream powder milk to make it creamier and sugar to taste. Sometimes I put small bite size white marshmallows for a more delicious drink.This had been my tested mixes for a long time ago. And I really love its taste! :)
I have made it with just cocoa powder, milk and sugar and its very nice, but my absolute favourite hot chocolate powder is from the Spanish Hot Chocolate Company! I got some from Aldis once and was hooked! Unfortunately its rather expensive so I don't have it very often, but it makes the thickest, most luxurious hot chocolate :p:
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