Recipe Hot Sweet Potato Soup.


(Formerly Shermie)
21 Aug 2014
Local time
8:15 PM
Brighton, MA.
For this recipe, you'd need a high-performance blender. One that spins the blades at about 25.000 to 43,000 rpm allowing you to make piping-hot soup without a stove!


One large sweet potato, sliced.
1-1/2 cups water.
! teaspoon butter.
1/4 cup light cream or half & half.
One pinch each;
Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Allspice, Salt
1/4 teaspoon vanilla & lemon extract.


Follow manual's directions. Add all ingredients to blender jar. Use Soup cycle if your machine has one. Pulverize everything until you see no chunks & allow liquid to heat up in blender jar. It's the friction alone that heats up the soup. About 160 degrees.
This has the flavor & taste of sweet potato pie. Serve in soup bowls. Enjoy!! :wink:
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Now if this were me making it, I'd add lots of chilli and make it really hot. But, hey, I know lots of folk love the sweet side of sweet potato.
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