How old is your oldest dried herb/spice?


Nosh 'n' Splosh
Staff member
15 Jul 2019
Local time
5:46 AM
Ohio, US
The other day, I went into the kitchen to make some cinnamon toast, and like you do, I started reorganizing my herb/spice pantry shelf (and rack).

Now, conventional wisdom says ground spices and dried herbs, replace every year, and whole ones every three years (at least that’s what I’ve always read and heard).

For fun, while straightening everything up, I started checking dates, and I had several ground spices and dried herbs past the one year mark. Not so with the whole spices.

The oldest one I had was marked with a “best before” date of August 2012!

So…if you’ve got the spare time and have tired of watching some paint dry, have a rummage through yours and let us know your oldest one, please.
The oldest herbs/spices that I have are dried curry leaves. They must be 10 years old. I think that I've used them twice since I received them from India. A mate brought them over on the off chance that I may want some.

An uncle of my mother got rid of his spices and herbs. Some dated back to '99 and yes I couldn't resist to try some old vanilla. Turned out to be useful and it was for free
Not sure that would work here because I recycle the jars all the time, so the contents don't match the best before date. I do try to make sure the contents match the label, but that doesn't always work either. But part of my work tomorrow without electricity is sorting out the mess that's my spice shelf.


Now I know what you're thinking, that's not that bad really. (The bottle on the left is verjuice, it doesn't usually go on the spice shelf).

Well that cupboard is upper arm deep with 3 layers and that's just spices. Just wait until the kitchen counter is covered with the containers. Then you'll understand... and I've got a $250 order sitting in a cart for some more spices and stuff I use quite a bit in my cooking! It's just waiting for the pay cheque to land in the back account tomorrow (hubby gets paid in the middle of the month, not the end of it :o_o: )
We’ll need to see a pic of that!
So the cupboard shelf, yep, just the 1 shelf, has been emptied, cleaned and restacked.

I only found 2 duplicates. 1 was ground cinnamon, from making lots of part chutney last year, and the other onion powder.
I have a bag of frozen leaves in the freezer.

You can buy fresh leaves in the supermarket here but it's hit and miss. So I have purchased 2 curry leaf plants (trees) instead! It will take another year or so I can start harvesting them.
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When I get back to Caracas in the next month or so, Im going to have to go through all my immense spice collection (which is kept in the fridge) of spices.
Ground spices and dried herbs don´t generally last more than a year. The flavour just disappears. Whole spices can last a lot longer, but the proof is in the pudding. You just have to give them a try to see whether they´re good enough to keep, or not good enough, in which case, BIN.
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