How should olive oil be used for cooking?

The question sounds quite weird to me. Olive oil just like EVOO ( Extra Virgin Olive Oil), is already used for cooking in most of Mediterranean cuisine which has an ancient tradition we care a lot and matches just perfectly with us 😉
Instead I would ask: “ what else Olive oil should be used aside from cooking?”
The question sounds quite weird to me. Olive oil just like EVOO ( Extra Virgin Olive Oil), is already used for cooking in most of Mediterranean cuisine which has an ancient tradition we care a lot and matches just perfectly with us 😉
Instead I would ask: “ what else Olive oil should be used aside from cooking?”

I was hoping you would reply! Of course olive oil can be used to cook all sorts of things. I think the main issue is to do with frying in olive oil? It certainly behaves differently from other oils if you fry an egg in it.

However there are many studies which show it performs well for deep frying.
I was hoping you would reply! Of course olive oil can be used to cook all sorts of things. I think the main issue is to do with frying in olive oil? It certainly behaves differently from other oils if you fry an egg in it.

However there are many studies which show it performs well for deep frying.
I think it's a flavor thing with deep frying. It might perform well but it's definitely not neutral in flavor.
“ what else Olive oil should be used aside from cooking?”
Well I'll tell you a story.
Until I was about 18 years old, there was no olive oil in our house, EXCEPT...
in the medicine cabinet. It was used to unblock ears full of And it still is, because I went to the doctor a year ago and that's what they prescribed . :eek: :eek: :eek:
Probably the first time I tasted it was on my first trip to Italy in 1969...
Probably the first time I tasted it was on my first trip to Italy in 1969...
I don’t know when/where I first tasted olive oil (or knew that I was tasting it). We certainly didn’t use it at home.

The only retail oil we had at home was generic “vegetable oil.” Other than that, it was bacon grease/fat, all day every day! 🐷
Well I'll tell you a story.
Until I was about 18 years old, there was no olive oil in our house, EXCEPT...
in the medicine cabinet. It was used to unblock ears full of And it still is, because I went to the doctor a year ago and that's what they prescribed . :eek: :eek: :eek:

I have spent many years of my adult life having my ears srynged regularly. The nurse (and a neighbour) told me that I needed to "fill" them with warm B.P. olive oil for three days prior to soften the wax. I went to see her three days later and she asked me if I'd done what she said. "I have done yes but I used cooking oil. Have you seen the price of B.P. olive oil?"

She was not amused.
I don’t know when/where I first tasted olive oil (or knew that I was tasting it). We certainly didn’t use it at home.

The only retail oil we had at home was generic “vegetable oil.” Other than that, it was bacon grease/fat, all day every day! 🐷
I was in my early 20s. It wasn't something used in our house growing up.
I was hoping you would reply! Of course olive oil can be used to cook all sorts of things. I think the main issue is to do with frying in olive oil? It certainly behaves differently from other oils if you fry an egg in it.

However there are many studies which show it performs well for deep frying.

Yeah I agree 👍🏻
There are many studies - mainly based on already habits and uses of Mediterranean countries - that show that olive oil (and its declinations) is great also if not even better for deep-frying.
I often use it for deep-frying, my mom was used to do the same, my aunts and relatives, a sort of tradition.
I only have to say that I prefer to fry savoury food in EVOO because it gives to it a better texture in my opinion, yet for sweets I prefer Peanut or Sunflower seeds oil.
Well I'll tell you a story.
Until I was about 18 years old, there was no olive oil in our house, EXCEPT...
in the medicine cabinet. It was used to unblock ears full of And it still is, because I went to the doctor a year ago and that's what they prescribed . :eek: :eek: :eek:
Probably the first time I tasted it was on my first trip to Italy in 1969...

It’s a nice story :)

And I’ll tell you that Olive Oil was already used by ancient Romans not only for cooking but also as medicine and to light on the lamps…
Yeah I agree 👍🏻
There are many studies - mainly based on already habits and uses of Mediterranean countries - that show that olive oil (and its declinations) is great also if not even better for deep-frying.
I often use it for deep-frying, my mom was used to do the same, my aunts and relatives, a sort of tradition.
I only have to say that I prefer to fry savoury food in EVOO because it gives to it a better texture in my opinion, yet for sweets I prefer Peanut or Sunflower seeds oil.

I don't think I could get past the cost of deep frying in OO, especially EVOO. Peanut oil is already expensive, but at least here, EVOO is quite a bit more.

But, I use EVOO to sauté all the time. I love it for sautéed vegetables.

I don't think I could get past the cost of deep frying in OO, especially EVOO. Peanut oil is already expensive, but at least here, EVOO is quite a bit more.

But, I use EVOO to sauté all the time. I love it for sautéed vegetables.


I understand you and even here EVOO costs a bit more than others, I use it sparingly and especially when I have to deep-fry something that I know deserves EVOO, maybe if I have people for lunch or dinner or if I want to prepare something special for me/us and want to get a great result. However I don't deep-fry that often.
I agree with you about sautéing vegetables instead, nothing like EVOO. I once tried it with peanut oil but the result was disappointing.
We have like two certified EVOO sommeliers in Germany :smug:
I'm wondering how the good ones actually taste and if the price is worth it

It is said that the best EVOO should have a slightly spicy and somewhat bitter taste and a colour tending towards green or something like that. I find EVOO sommeliers very interesting, have you ever seen how they taste the oil? They do a sort of suction.
I respect their work so much, but sometimes I can't help but snigger thinking about an uncle of mine from Puglia in the province of Bari who himself made oil from his olive trees and when he tasted the oil he would just put a little on the palm of his hand or on a bruschetta and saying 'Questo è buono' (this is good) knowing which was to be sold and which one to keep for a hard time :laugh:. He always got it right.
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