How well would you cook your bacon?


(Formerly Shermie)
21 Aug 2014
Local time
7:28 PM
Brighton, MA.
How do you like your bacon? #2 if I'm doing scallops wrapped in bacon. Then I put a little bit of ground black pepper on it & cook it just until light brown. A deceased friend told me how to do it. I hit it right on the nail the first time around!! Came out good & everyone liked it!!!

#3 if I just want cooked bacon. I do mine low & slow in the oven so that it's not terribly ovewrcooked!! How about yours? :whistling:
Bacon doneness..jpg
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About a 3.5, I reckon. I also prepare mine in the oven most of the time.

Yeah, about 3 to 3.5 for me. I want it to have a little crispiness, but still have some chew. It is a hard target to hit. I have to pull it from the pan and place it on paper towels a bit early, and let carry-over cooking crisp it up as it drains.

I cook mine in a pan. I put the bacon in a cold pan, then turn the cooktop to a medium heat to cook slowly.

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I like it where the fat is just cooked through and when it hits the tongue, it melts.

IDK why some folks I know would cook bacon until it's almost burnt!!! That's not the way to eat it!! And it's so unattractive. To me, that's abuse!! It's a downright shame & a sad state of affairs the way that some would treat food!! It should be very well appreciated & treated with respect. :eek:
I'm a solid 2.5, sometimes even a 2 if I'm feeling lazy when I'll just throw some rashers in the microwave.

How do you like your bacon? #2 if I'm doing scallops wrapped in bacon. Then I put a little bit of ground black pepper on it & cook it just until light brown. A deceased friend told me how to do it. I hit it right on the nail the first time around!! Came out good & everyone liked it!!!

#3 if I just want cooked bacon. I do mine low & slow in the oven so that it's not terribly ovewrcooked!! How about yours? :whistling:
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I don't know why, but all the bacon I've ever seen in hotel buffets in the US have been around done to around the 5 mark.

Generalising a bit, but in the UK I think Brits like theirs a bit more on the medium side.
I don't know why, but all the bacon I've ever seen in hotel buffets in the US have been around done to around the 5 mark.

Generalising a bit, but in the UK I think Brits like theirs a bit more on the medium side.

The complementary hotel buffet bacon arrives at the hotel already cooked. They just have to warm it up. It's not great bacon, but it is still bacon. The only bad bacon is bacon made from anything other than pig. Turkey bacon is bad. Vegan bacon is not bacon, so it can get away with being really bad.

It should be very well appreciated & treated with respect.
My mantra - respect the product.
If I am using bacon to wrap another protein that requires minimal cooking, I precook the bacon just a little. Shrimp, scallops, duck breast, dove breast all require very little cooking. If they are wrapped in raw bacon the wrapped protein is over cooked by the time the bacon is cooked.
In the south young cooks are taught to cook bacon naked. If you can stand at the cook top and cook bacon without splattering grease on your naked self, you are cooking it properly - low and slow. :cook:
Cold bacon in a cold pan cooked to 3.5.
Do you keep the drippings? I strain the drippings through a very fine mesh sieve and keep it in a canning jar in the fridge. Bacon drippings are gold in any cook's kitchen.
Do you have to strain bacon fat? I don’t always.
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