I'm Watching What I Eat (2023)

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Just bring insect repellent with DEET. The Mosquitos up there are big and plentiful in the summer.

I guess I'll stick to Nova Scotia. We didn't get bit there...
One milestone I have achieved: my surgeon is happy with my weight so I don't have to lose any for the ( minor) surgery I am having somewhere the coming 2 months.
That's never happened before, so I am happy! That saves me quite some stress before the procedure.
It's a good feeling when they acknowledge that you've tried and have made a difference, isn't our?
I went to Houston for five days, and gained five pounds. My sister eats out a lot, and so we ate out a lot while I was down there. Restaurant food is so full of calories, fat and sodium.

5 pounds more are still healthy, we know you'll loose em again :okay:

Oh, I can feel that five pounds. At 62 years old, five pounds makes a noticeable difference. At least half of that (probably more) is water weight. Chefs these days LOVE their salt. I'm sure I exceeded my sodium limit on every restaurant meal I ate. On the flight home, I was wearing my Birkenstocks, and I could see that my feet were swollen.

Haven’t given an update in a while:

MrsT gained a couple of pounds, then lost it, then lost some more, so right now, she’s 181 pounds/82 kg, her lowest weight since starting. She’d like to lose..six more pounds and maintain from there.

I’m at exactly 180 pounds. I’d also like to lose another five, as 175 seems to be a good weight for me (even if the doc says 160 would be better).

MrsT is going to struggle the rest of the year, though - she’s going to a work conference starting Monday, so that’ll be four days of hotel/restaurant food, then two weeks after that, Pennsylvania road trip, and she won’t hold back for that, so that means lots of chipped beef on toast/waffles/pancakes/(American) biscuits, meatloaf, chicken and dumplings, etc.

A week after that, it’s her birthday and her sister is coming down for a few days as a surprise, then a few days after that, she’s going to Florida to see her friend, and they eat like a couple of draft horses when they’re together.

September to recover, then it’s three weeks in the Mediterranean, then a month after that, another cruise with her friend in Florida - and Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Year’s to round things out.
Haven’t given an update in a while:

MrsT gained a couple of pounds, then lost it, then lost some more, so right now, she’s 181 pounds/82 kg, her lowest weight since starting. She’d like to lose..six more pounds and maintain from there.

I’m at exactly 180 pounds. I’d also like to lose another five, as 175 seems to be a good weight for me (even if the doc says 160 would be better).

MrsT is going to struggle the rest of the year, though - she’s going to a work conference starting Monday, so that’ll be four days of hotel/restaurant food, then two weeks after that, Pennsylvania road trip, and she won’t hold back for that, so that means lots of chipped beef on toast/waffles/pancakes/(American) biscuits, meatloaf, chicken and dumplings, etc.

A week after that, it’s her birthday and her sister is coming down for a few days as a surprise, then a few days after that, she’s going to Florida to see her friend, and they eat like a couple of draft horses when they’re together.

September to recover, then it’s three weeks in the Mediterranean, then a month after that, another cruise with her friend in Florida - and Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Year’s to round things out.

That's quite a food gauntlet she has to run. Good luck to her. :okay:

I'm hovering around 180 right now. I need to lose about ten pounds. I can't go to the gym right now, until my back doctor gets me into physical therapy so I can learn what exercises I can do, and what to avoid. I hope to start PT in a couple of weeks.

It's been too hot to go for walks, lately.

That's quite a food gauntlet she has to run. Good luck to her. :okay:

I'm hovering around 180 right now. I need to lose about ten pounds. I can't go to the gym right now, until my back doctor gets me into physical therapy so I can learn what exercises I can do, and what to avoid. I hope to start PT in a couple of weeks.

It's been too hot to go for walks, lately.

Here they immediately go down the pilates route for back pain/injuries.
Treatment for back pain in the UK is awful "Have a hot bath and take some pain killers" thats all you'll get unless you make repeated appointments and annoy the living daylights out of them!

Does that happen in Texas?
Treatment for back pain in the UK is awful "Have a hot bath and take some pain killers" thats all you'll get unless you make repeated appointments and annoy the living daylights out of them!
My back surgeon (via bupa after the nhs screwed things up) actually told me that going to Australia was about the best thing I could do for my back and the chronic pain. He was right.
(I was told they lead the way on back treatment and spinal injuries as I was to find out 5 years ago when my neck collapsed and left me with no use of my arms and hands (and needing life saving surgery before the year was out). I've had a double fusion and a vertebraectomy and reconstruction of the middle vertebrae involved. You can't tell I even have a single fusion let alone a double fusion. My patents have a friend who had the exact same surgery (minus the middle vertebrae issues) and she's now in a nursing home. )

Have a hot bath and take some pain killers"
I didn't even get that despite my right left being partially paralysed and numb. It couldn't hold me up at all and moving it was target like it being on strings and random jerky uncordinated movements. I also could not sit down at all (that was a big issue and the actual cause of the problems. ) sadly their neglect had left me with long term issues with that leg and my lower spine. At least they didn't operate on it though. All of that was down through bupa.
Here they immediately go down the pilates route for back pain/injuries.
Treatment for back pain in the UK is awful "Have a hot bath and take some pain killers" thats all you'll get unless you make repeated appointments and annoy the living daylights out of them!

Does that happen in Texas?

No, I have had an MRI done, and some kind of electrode-needle test thing, and have been approved me for physical therapy, that will be covered by my insurance. It has just taken more time to get all this done than I expected.

The probable focus is going to build up my core muscle strength to make up for the degeneration of the two problem disks in my lower back. The exercises for that have to build muscle, without putting more stress on those disks.

Losing ten pounds would also be helpful, too. At 5'11", 170 pounds is an appropriate weight for me.

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