I'm Watching What I Eat (2024)


Midlands, England
14 Oct 2012
Local time
7:24 PM
Leicester UK
I have failed miserably in the past but this year I am determined to shed a few pounds, feel better in myself.
Oh, I’m sure I’m closing in on 190 pounds, and my doc won’t renew my maintenance meds until I come in for a physical, and she’s not going to be happy with me. At. All.
I'm also back on that treadmill come the beginning of next week. I'm aiming to get down to 60kg. I don't quite know what I am right now, but Easter last year I was at 62kg before my hip surgery so I know I can do it. I've just got to get it to stick this year. Last year was a hard year with everything that happened and I just kind of gave up trying.

Must do better this year.
I'm also needing to shed some ballast. I need to lose about 15 pounds to be at my ideal weight. That's doable. My back pain is down from where it was when I was doing physical therapy twice a week (go figure that out), so I can go to the gym and burn some calories.

I'm quite the opposite.

I'm down to 63 kilos from 80 kilos in around 12 months. And I wasn't carrying excess weight.

Wow, that's a lot of weight loss. Is it tied to your swallowing issues?

Wow, that's a lot of weight loss. Is it tied to your swallowing issues?


It's tied to the "silent stroke" and the number of issues tied to that. That includes the swallowing issues and the lack of appetite.

I'm slowly gaining my appetite back and learning to deal with swallowing but only certain foods.
It's tied to the "silent stroke" and the number of issues tied to that. That includes the swallowing issues and the lack of appetite.

I'm slowly gaining my appetite back and learning to deal with swallowing but only certain foods.

Hopefully the weight loss has been mostly fat, and you're not losing muscle mass. Do the docs have you on supplements for protein and other essential nutritional needs? Those meal replacement shakes, like Boost, are good for getting needed calories and protein into you body, and are easy to swallow.

Weighed in Tuesday to get my starting point (189.2 pounds), and weighed today to get to my regular weigh-ins, and today it was 187.8 pounds, so a small move in the right direction.

Whereas a week ago, I was having at least a drink a day (usually more), and eating maybe six ounces of chocolate a day, and a couple of cookies or some other kind of cakes or sweet roll, I’ve cut that way down and am vigorously walking 2+ miles every day.
I've not yet picked up the courage to weigh in, but I am decreasing what I eat, and increasing exercise (very slowly due to breathing issues and still being on steroids from that illness back in October/November).

The official diet starts this week once we've earthen through the remaining chocolates and sweets...
The official diet starts this week once we've earthen through the remaining chocolates and sweets...
That’s our problem here - we bought so much of that stuff over the holidays (after swearing we wouldn’t) that if I ration it out responsibly…it’ll last until Christmas 2024.
I have 20 lbs to go. When I get there I will have lost 100 lbs overall. Most of my clothes are way too big for me so there is a financial cost to losing the weight as well. My waist has reduced from 44" to 34". I'm replacing pants slowly because I don't know what my final size will be.
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I'm watching my carbohydrate, sugar and alcohol intake
It's a "Dry January"
and then I've gained back 10 pounds after having been so deathly ill for sometime back (I'm p.o.'d but Doc says that it's muscle mass that I lost along my journey)
I want to get that 10 pounds off, my new slacks are a touch snug in the waistband :whistling:
I'm watching my carbohydrate, sugar and alcohol intake
It's a "Dry January"
and then I've gained back 10 pounds after having been so deathly ill for sometime back (I'm p.o.'d but Doc says that it's muscle mass that I lost along my journey)
I want to get that 10 pounds off, my new slacks are a touch snug in the waistband :whistling:

Yeah, when you lose a lot of weight rapidly due to illness, it is easy to loose muscle mass. Some of those protein shakes they sell in bottles are good for supporting muscle health when you are not well.

I'm quite the opposite.

I'm down to 63 kilos from 80 kilos in around 12 months. And I wasn't carrying excess weight.

That is a lot of weight to lose and I think you are quite tall? You must be really skinny. I didn't know about your swallowing issues or 'silent stroke' (sorry, due to my recent broken bones & recovery I've not been keeping up with posts).

The main question I have is 'can you eat curry'?
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