I'm Watching What I Eat (2024)

It's still going well here, but I really want lasting change from this so I've put myself on a waiting list for a government healthcare trajectory focussing on weight loss and excercise guided by experts. It's called a 'combined lifestyle intervention' and is meant to help anyone who wants it by a multi disciplinary approach to lasting weight loss. They also provide medication like ozempic and bariatric surgery as options after a year. The surgery is no option for me because I fit four exclusion criteria : 1) I have had abdominal surgery previously 2) I am on blood thinners and 3) I have an eating disorder and 4) I have a BMI below 35 and no health issues caused by my weight alone.
But ozempic might be an option for me and that's part of the reason for me to join. My RD and psychologist + doctor recommend it because I've done everything I can to live a healthier life and am currently on weight loss attempt 20+ so it's clear I might need more than I can do alone to reach my goals.
Looks like you're on a roll!
Absolutely awesome

And yeah, I am one of those that doesn't really believe in just dieting. It is your whole life style that got to change.
Those low calorie things (eat only veges, or only meat, or whatever) work if you just need to loose 1 or 2 kg, but they are useless long term.

My uncle came up with a ehoe diet
Eat half of everything.
His reasoning:
If you normally have 2 glasses of wine with dinner, have one. Same for snacks and everything, do you don't get that craving for peanuts, wine, chocolat etc.
I thought it made sense :)
Looks like you're on a roll!
Absolutely awesome

And yeah, I am one of those that doesn't really believe in just dieting. It is your whole life style that got to change.
Those low calorie things (eat only veges, or only meat, or whatever) work if you just need to loose 1 or 2 kg, but they are useless long term.

My uncle came up with a ehoe diet
Eat half of everything.
His reasoning:
If you normally have 2 glasses of wine with dinner, have one. Same for snacks and everything, do you don't get that craving for peanuts, wine, chocolat etc.
I thought it made sense :)
Sure all that is easy to maintain for a short time, but there's a reason the World Health Organisation ( WHO) calls obesity a chronic illness. I've lost weight succesfully many times, but I also always gained the weight back. Not only due to food alone, but also by taking steroids to treat my chronic illness.
Obesity is more complex than just calories in calories out, especially when you've also been diagnosed with a hormonal disorder like me ( I have PCOS). It's a complex issue which I am approaching as well as I can and with dedication but it takes time and is more about doing your best to ensure you're as healthy as reasonably possible.

On that subject: my waist is down from 105 cm to 103 cm 👍 and my thighs are from 65 to 64 cm. The calves stayed the same.
Today's weigh in showed 0.9kg lost on last week. 3.0kg lost in total so far. :woot:. Last week was only 0.3kg, so over the 2 weeks that's 0.6kg/week which is very slightly more than I was aiming for, but I'm not going to complain.

Still got a way to go, but I've finally found the calorie level needed for my diet. (I just tend to drop 50/75 calories/day each week until I've reached my target weight loss per week)
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