Intermittent Fasting

My body is pretty much self set. I stopped brekky when I started work. If I'm on holiday or anywhere in the world I have a Nelson brekky.
Marmalade on toast
Cornflakes with fruit salad

Brekky now is cup of earl and maybe a biscuit or 2
I sometimes eat lunch maybe every third day.
Dinner I eat as I make it for the wife. Although I occasionally skip dinner.
I dont worry about myself. My doc says I'm pretty good for 66 yo.

Longest fast to date.

Ended fasting with a cheeseburger, pickles , and fried egg!

I'm facing imminent minor surgery somewhere the coming two months, and while I don't have to lose weight because I already lost 60 lbs this year I am going to try intermittent fasting for the period leading up to surgery to see if it can benefit me to lose a little more.

Starting with a 18 hour fast/ 6 hour eating window from tomorrow. So that means I will have breakfast and lunch (which is my hot meal of the day) for the coming two months (exceptions will be made for restaurant visits only, which is rarely more than 2 times a month) .
I'm facing imminent minor surgery somewhere the coming two months, and while I don't have to lose weight because I already lost 60 lbs this year I am going to try intermittent fasting for the period leading up to surgery to see if it can benefit me to lose a little more.

Starting with a 18 hour fast/ 6 hour eating window from tomorrow. So that means I will have breakfast and lunch (which is my hot meal of the day) for the coming two months (exceptions will be made for restaurant visits only, which is rarely more than 2 times a month) .

Good luck!
While weigh loss is about taking in fewer calories than you burn, the choices of methodology for achieving it are almost infinite. I've done fasting but not for very long. I often skip breakfast but then eat lunch. My weight loss has been most consistent, though, when I eat smaller portions 3 times per day. The advantage for me has been hunger control. Once the body becomes accustomed to the smaller portions the smaller portions become normal. I still have 20 lbs to go to hit my goal but most of the effort is behind me.
As I've probably said a hundred times before, I'm blessed with a great metabolism. I'm the same weight as I was when I was 16 (75 kilos).
As I've grown older, I've found that (a) I don't like to eat breakfast until I've been up for at least 3 hours and (b) as a result, I might just have a good breakfast/brunch and skip the "midday"meal.
Down here in the Tropics, you tend to eat when you're hungry, and life is very much more relaxed, so there are no fixed times for meals. Generally, it's breakfast around 10-11am, and then a big meal around 5-6-7pm. That suits me.
However, I genuinely feel for those who struggle with weight loss.
Completely at a loss as to how to start and what to do, so much online information , some contradict each other so a bit overwhelming.
Completely at a loss as to how to start and what to do, so much online information , some contradict each other so a bit overwhelming.
I have lost 80 lbs over a year and a half by reducing portions. I eat what I like but less of it than before. I've never been able to make long term weight loss by eating what I don't like to eat. But my advice for whatever method you choose to use is to be patient. It took a while to gain the weight and it will take a while to get rid of it. Don't think of it as dieting. Think of it as a life long change in eating habits and settle in.
Congrats on your progress, Bill! I'm on Day 15 of IF and feel amazing. I use the same app and have a similar 16/8 schedule. It's incredible how quickly the body adjusts. . Keep going, and thanks for sharing your journey!
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